The SHIELD Community is an organization of industry, clinical, academic, patient advocacy, standards development, public/private partnership, and professional organization stakeholders working in partnership with government entities with a singular focus on improving the quality, interoperability, and utility of IVD (In Vitro-Diagnostic) test related data and its adoption across the health care ecosystem.
Consistent, standards-based identification and description of IVD laboratory test related data and their attributes which contributes to its semantic harmonization
Secure, standards-based description of patient information in a manner that allows effective utilization while protecting patient privacy
Consistent, standards-based interoperability across all applicable information technology systems from the point of order through all downstream uses, both within and between entities in the health care ecosystem
Understandable, reproducible, and useable results for both human and computerized systems
Support universal implementation of the above across all entities within the US health care ecosystem