There is quite a bit of push back on this data element
Should support testkit and instrument device identifiers, in order to accommodate different patterns
Issues this data element is aiming to solve:
Linking instance data to LIDR entries
Identifying test kit issues for EUAs to better understand these new tests or in post market surveillance of 510k = Real World Data
Allowing to decide if results can be combined (harmonized methods)
need to determine the key items needed for this effort
CDC’s Harmonization effort for lipid testing has been tracking instrument and reagents and calibrators at the lot number level - but has not been seeing much benefit of tracking this at the lot level
the list of parameters that helps them find what is comparable:
seems to be manufacturer and model - if taking off the lot numbers etc
What level of identification is needed:
manufacturer / model
Global Trade Identificatin Number (GTIN) - provided by GS1 - can be used as UDI
device identifier
production identifier
(serial number or lot number)
full UDI
Lab tests not covered by UDI