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Quorum evaluation (two-thirds (2/3) of the Voting Representatives shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business)

Currently we have 19 named members, so 2/3 = 12 (excluding chair and government members).


Open Meeting

Follow up Items -

  • Special Topic calls:

    • Next dates:

      • August 13 - SNOMED model in AP

      • September 10 - Specimen CrossMapping Table

  • Update on HIMSS proposal?

HTI-2 Proposed Rule released

Once posted in Federal Register will have 60 days for public comment.

Starting HTI-2 Feedback Collection

Administrative things

Review SC Composition, terms and requirements for re-voting etc

Review Working Groups progress

Setting milestones for deliverables should be NEXT for WGs: they will be captured here: SHIELDleG Deliverables and Milestone Grid

Roadmap section updates in response to ONC comments on the SHIELD roadmap

  1. The roadmap mission section describes a broad vision of lab interoperability. However, the roadmap proposed solution is limited to the FDA use cases around In-vitro diagnostics (IVD) data, specifically populating the IVD data hub.  ONC suggests clearly describing the roadmap scope so the proposed solutions can be discussed within that context.

From previous SC call: Nick will connect with Sara to get more context and then bring this to the IVD datahub group - then Nick will bring back here (smile)

  1. The roadmap identifies training and education needs around using LOINC as a barrier to interoperability. ONC suggests clarifying how the roadmap addresses this barrier. ONC recognizes that terminologies require training and education, and replacing LOINC with another standard will not address the barrier.

Update from Standards and Vocab WG about re-write of this section?

  1. There are several solutions proposed, including repositories and tools, which need to be further evaluated before ONC could fully support the roadmap.  ONC suggests the roadmap be updated to include details around feasibility, scalability and how the proposed changes can be integrated into the current laboratory ecosystem (e.g., regulation and industry).

Identify components that could improve the ecosystem infrastructure, and then highlight the places where these components can be advanced / sustained or made easier to implement. Would SHIELD be willing to consider to provide an example implementation - create the structures and bound terminologies to showcase how each element would be properly represented be working.

Looking for volunteer to tackle this re-write: For each of the Consideration sections we could certainly add a section on feasibility / requirements (e.g. continued funding for LIDR, better describing the intended use of ANY data element added, overall goal of LIDR, clearly delineate what is commonly used and is minimum, provide best practice and alternatives (non-preferred) - example would be metadata around the value sets in VSAC (curation / usage etc) to be able to ascertain quality) and highlight that other mechanisms are needed to achieve for adoption.

Antimicrobial result reporting

Placeholder to get back to later

Related work at HL7 Europe:

View file
nameEU coded value sets.xlsx

Next calls


General Updates: July 23, 2024 - WG Chairs please make sure we have material for updates (at least notes we can link to)

Special Topic:

August 13 - Scott’s SNOMED talk

Steering Committee:

August 6 - do we want to also meet July 30 ?- maybe make it an open call for anyone with interest in HTI-2 comments


From Chat:

Action items
