· Date/timestamps: ASTP’s current approach is to use a single procedure performance date/time element in USCDI to cover all lab relevant date/time, which include: Specimen collection date/time; Specimen received date time; Test performed date/time; Report released date/time. APHL raises the concern that most systems don’t model these observations as procedures. APHL recommends at a minimum adding data elements to capture Specimen Collection date/time (https://www.healthit.gov/isp/taxonomy/term/3256/level-0 ), Specimen receipt at the lab date/time (submitted to USCDI+ for the PH Lab Reporting Use case, but not available on the USCDI+ website yet), Laboratory Test performed data/time (https://www.healthit.gov/isp/taxonomy/term/2436/level-0 ), and Report released date/time (submitted to USCDI+ for the PH Lab Reporting Use case as a corellary corollary to eCR report date element, but not available on the USCDI+ website yet https://uscdiplus.healthit.gov/uscdiplus?id=uscdi_record&table=x_g_sshh_uscdi_uscdi_elements&sys_id=04a7ba8a1b367d1094626318624bcbf3&view=sp ).