Participants for today’s call:
Name | Organization | Role |
Raj Dash | College of American Pathologists (CAP) | Chair Steering Committee member |
Scott Campbell | UNMC | Steering Committee member |
Dan Rutz | Epic | Steering Committee member |
Muktha Natrajan | CDC |
Sandy Jones (Secondary) | CDC Cancer Surveillance |
Anne Peruski (Secondary) | CDC |
Andrea Pitkus | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Steering Committee member |
Xavier Gansel | bioMérieux | Steering Committee member |
Stan Huff | Graphite Health | Steering Committee member |
John Snyder | NLM | Steering Committee member |
Rob Hausam | Hausam Consulting |
Marjorie Rollins | Regenstrief | Steering Committee member |
Amy McCormick (secondary) | Epic |
Nanguneri Nirmala | Tufts Medical Center | Steering Committee member |
Mehdi Nassiri | Indiana University/Indiana University Health/Association for Molecular Pathology | Steering Committee member |
Eza Hafeza | Regenstrief | Steering Committee member |
Jim Case | Snomed International | Steering Committee member |
Kevin Schap | CAP |
Discussion topics
Item | Notes |
Review: Identify tangible activities for this working group |
Use case review | LRI |
LRI review | Specimen Type - currently uses table 487 in HL7. Consensus recommendation of the WG is to use SNOMED CT Specimen Type hierarchy. SCTID: 123038009 123038009 | Specimen (specimen) | Specimen Reject Reason - WG consensus is to continue to use HL7 table 490. The rejection reasons represent local administrative terms that can be challenging to predict. The most common terms appear to already be listed in table 490. The value set is only 13 data rows in size and may require augmentation in certain implementations. It is unclear how an implementor might encode data in an interoperable way if the needed rejection reason is not listed. Should one more entry be added that indicates “Reason other than those listed?” (and then need a way to capture an additional comment). Specimen Condition - WG consensus is to continue to use HL7 table 493. The specimen condition list represents terms that can be challenging to predict. The list appears to be incomplete and requires additional terms to support specimen condition interoperability more thoroughly. Relevant Clinical Information - in LOINC this falls under “preconditions” but may not be exhaustive. In the current HL7 table 916, the valueset focuses only on fasting. Other relevant clinical information such as what might be needed for a COVID test order/result would require ask at order entry questions. Given the broad definition from HL7 below, it may not be scalable to have a single HL7 category list as the value set for this. A mechanism needs to exist to convey ask-at-order-entry questions and answers (potentially pre-populated from the electronic record and then reviewed by a provider) on the interface in an interoperable manner. Once the extension is completed, LOINC preconditions will be available for use within the LOINC extension to SCT. Thus the WG consensus is that use of the full list of preconditions in SCT will be a better solution than attempting to create an exhaustive value set in table 916. Definition from HL7: This field contains additional clinical information about the patient or specimen. This field is used to report the supporting and/or suspected diagnosis and clinical findings on requests for interpreted diagnostic studies where a simple text string or code is sufficient. This field could use all appropriate code sets including SNOMED to message Relevant Clinical Information. If more information is needed, such as date/time of the observation, who observed it, abnormal ranges, etc., or must be provided in further structured format, e.g., structured numeric with units of measure encoded, the Observation/Result group following the OBR should be used. Examples include reporting the amount of inspired carbon dioxide for blood gasses, the point in the menstrual cycle for cervical pap tests, and other conditions that influence test interpretations. Refer to HL7 Table 0916 Relevant Clinical Information in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for valid values. Device Type - current HL7 references table 961, which is empty. The consensus of the WG is to use the UDI schema proposed by the FDA (UDI Basics | FDA). LOINC SNOMED CT UCUM |
Next steps |
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