A member is deemed to be in good standing if the member meets all ethical standards, policies, and procedures of the Organization. Membership applies to Steering Committee members.
Approved by 3 (as of 2/14 - will update prior to SC call)
Vote #2 Update to add new section at the end of
An appeal of a termination shall be submitted to the Chair and Vice Chair, which would be presented to the Steering Committee for a hearing and final decision requiring a 2/3 vote approval of quorate Steering Committee.
Approved by 3 (as of 2/14 - will update prior to SC call)
In addition to the above need wordsmithing before vote - Update ARTICLE THREE: MEMBERSHIP
Allow anyone who requests to participate via email in the ALL SHIELD calls (to Steering Committee Chair or Vice Chair) - we want to be as open as possible for these calls, as long as we can ensure some vetting to avoid distruptions
Membership to workgroups or Steering Committee are more tightly regulated by:
#1 requiring to be a partcipant of the Shield communty already (see above) and a request for membership to workgroup chair(s) for a review of candiates qualifications#2 requiring nominations (self nominations are allowable) sent to Steering Committee Chair and or Vice Chair for Steering Committee Membership