This page and child pages are restricted to APHL (+partner?, +policy WG?, +other?) team members working on the policy engagement project. These pages are not visible to PHA/Ls.
APHL-only (internal) pages
TBD is access needs - who? will there be different levels of access needed?
Keep it as simple as possible - access groups weren’t as straightforward as expected (in eCR), so broad groups with simple permissions is better than complex permissioning unless you want to get into page-level permissions (don’t).
TBD is the potential use of workflows for review and approval - I have not researched yet
TBD is how/who participates in the two approval workflows
For all visitors - what else is needed here?Policy Engagement Project Overview |
The policy engagement space is a place for collaboration and engagement with the new policy engagement project. This project is intended to increase the visibility of APHL in the policy analysis space, educate PHAs and PHLs about potential federal policies, published policy, and other potential feedback opportunities, as well as provide educational materials to support use of APHL’s comments to springboard organizational or personal comment submissions. APHL will use this space to engage with and coordinate with partners such as CSTE and JPIT 2.0 and others.
Policy Engagement Project Goal: |
At the highest level, the intent of this project is to increase the impact and visibility of public health (including intermediaries, STLTs PHA/Ls) in the eyes of federal policymakers to better align federal policy with public health’s needs. |
Policy-Interested Parties |
Policy Engagement Team Contacts and Space Accesses
Policy Engagement Team: |
Option 3: Internal Team Navigation (manual links option) |
Conceptual flow with approvals and external (to team and partners) interactions highlighted – open in a new tab to view detail at a readable magnification. |
“Internal” tagged pages list:
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||||||
List of attachments to this page (in case that becomes useful for folks - suggest picking a tag and restricting list on the tag):
TBD is access needs - who? will there be different levels of access needed?
(my suggestion from eCR experience is to keep it simple)
Brooke Beaulieu Need this to work with Deaw to develop groups even if only test accts
Brooke Beaulieu What partners, policy WG, CSTE, other partners should have access here? Or is it only the policy contractor and APHL email addresses?
TBD is how/who participates in the two approval workflows
Brooke Beaulieu I need this information to develop workflows