Stacy Lange:
SHIELD is dedicated to improving healthcare by working to make sharing lab results simple and accurate. As a patient advocate/ caregiver, I help ensure patients' and caregivers' needs and perspectives are heard. Our diverse team collaborates across the laboratory community to promote seamless lab data exchange, improving safety and care for all.
General Elevator pitch structure: Statement of problem. Then 2-3 sentences on how you’re solving the problem.
Problem statement:
From SHIELD Strategic Plan: Our healthcare system pays a high but largely hidden price for the lack of nationwide laboratory interoperability in terms of safety, quality, innovation, and efficiency. Medical errors stemming from misinterpretation of laboratory data pose a safety risk to patients.
Solution statement:
By bringing together a broad range of industry stakeholders, SHIELD strives to improve laboratory results interoperability by recommending key data elements that should be shared in addition to the lab result that enable these systems to harmonize the data.
Working as broad-based team of public and private industry stakeholders, SHIELD strives to improve laboratory results interoperability by recommending consistent transmission of additional data elements that allow for meaningful interpretation and use of the laboratory result as it moves across the healthcare ecosystem. SHIELD’s goal is to achieve laboratory data interoperability by describing the same test the same way, every time.
Frome SHIELD Strategic Plan: Laboratory data interoperability is not simply the
transmission of test result values without error, it also requires the consistent transmission of
data elements that allow for meaningful interpretation and use of the laboratory result.
Laboratory test results require additional data elements besides the result (e.g., units of
measure, reference range values, specimen type, methodology) to be correctly interpreted and
to meet interoperability standards and requirements. It is our assessment that a new approach
to interoperability standards is required for standardized digital representation of laboratory tests
to allow for accurate interpretation and equivalence determination and a shared understanding
of the laboratory data as it moves across the healthcare ecosystem.
Final Draft:
Our healthcare system pays a high but largely hidden price for the lack of nationwide laboratory interoperability in terms of safety, quality, innovation, and efficiency. Medical errors stemming from misinterpretation of laboratory data pose a safety risk to patients. Working as broad-based team of public and private industry stakeholders, the SHIELD Community strives to improve laboratory results interoperability by recommending consistent transmission of additional data elements that allow for meaningful interpretation and use of the laboratory result as it moves across the healthcare ecosystem. SHIELD’s goal is to achieve laboratory data interoperability by describing the same test the same way, every time.