5/29/24 CELR/DEX Prod Migration Planning Discussion
May 29, 2024
APHL/AIMS | Peraton | CDC/MVPS |
Geo Miller: X | Erroll Rosser: | Anthony Kimbo: |
Gretl Glick: X | Scott Rank | Loretta Foster: |
| Cosmin: |
| Chase Farmer: X |
| Beth Wingerd: |
Discussion topics
Item | Notes |
5/29/24 |
| Dev Updates:
Production Readiness Review and Migration Steps
Next Steps/Action Items | Schedule Production Migration Meeting Series:
Action items
Quick decisions not requiring context or tracking
For quick, smaller decisions that do not require extra context or formal tracking, use the “Add a decision…” function here.
Decisions requiring context or tracking
For decisions that require more context (e.g., documentation of discussion, options considered) and/or tracking, use the decision template to capture more information.