NNDSS Technical Assistance

NNDSS Technical Assistance

NNDSS Technical Assistance

The State Implementation and Technical Assistance Team provides technical assistance (TA) to public health agencies (PHAs), both individually and in groups (or cohorts), to help them build and implement NNDSS HL7 case notification messages. Subject matter experts guide participants through planning, gap analysis, data extraction, HL7 message creation, and validation. At completion, PHAs will be ready to begin onboarding.


Collaborate with your fellow jurisdictions to move through MMG development with TA and CDC support in a timely manner.

  • The NNDSS Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) TA team provides TA to help groups, or cohorts, of PHA build and implement NNDSS HL7 case notification messages.

  • Cohorts of 4–6 PHA focusing on the MMGs the jurisdictions are ready to implement.

  • APHL and NEDSS Base System (NBS) subject matter experts guide participants through planning, gap analysis, data extraction, HL7 message creation, and validation. At completion, PHA will be ready to begin onboarding.

  • Submit a TA request to join a cohort.

    • Address your email to the CDC Electronic Data Exchange inbox at edx@cdc.gov.

    • Use “NNDSS Technical Assistance Request” as the subject line.

    • Include a brief description of the assistance needed or cohort you would like to join.

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