2023-09-06 Meeting notes

2023-09-06 Meeting notes


Sep 6, 2023










 Andrea Pitkus

 University of Wisconsin-Madison

 Steering Committee member


 Eric Crugnale

 Sonic Healthcare

 Steering Committee member


Nanguneri Nirmala

 Tufts Medical Center

Steering Committee member


Mehdi Nassiri

Indiana University

Steering Committee member


Aaron Green


Steering Committee member




  • Discuss SHIELD One Pager

  • Prepare One Pager for Steering Committee review/approval at 9/19 meeting

  • Must be submitted to CDC for clearance by COB on 9/22.

  • One-page, front and back

  • Follow up on discussion from last meeting regarding “charge” of workgroup. Be prepared to discuss/recommend to Steering Committee at next meeting?

Discussion topics

  • Continued discussion of workgroup charge/purpose. Reviewed minutes from last meeting and established recommendations for each item. Plan is to discuss on next Steering Committee meeting

    • Significant discussion and questions raised as to what the purpose is:

      • The Branding and Communication Workgroup is responsible for establishing the ongoing communication strategy for SHIELD Community.  - YES

      • Document/Inventory content. - YES

      • Manage/Administer communication channels (website (would require funding), social media, broadcast email communications, ex, IVD Vendor engagement for LIVD). - DISCUSSION WITH STEERING COMMITEE

        • Ex, if SHIELD created a LinkedIn Profile or Twitter feed, would this be administered by the Communication Workgroup?

        • Question: Should the Communication Workgroup be responsible for ongoing communications (ex, all social media posts would need to be published by the workgroup) or is the function more administrative and Steering Committee is ultimately responsible? - For DISCUSSION WITH STEERING COMMITTEE

      • Role in reviewing and approving content (presentations, publications), delegated by Steering Committee? - NO

      • Role in creating content?

        • SHIELD as a whole - YES

        • Workgroup-related, more specific - NO

    • There was concern that it may be impractical for all communications to have to go through the Workgroup (for example, content created by other workgroups) or to think that the workgroup was responsible for editing/approving/issuing all communications as opposed to having a more strategic role.  - NO, don’t foresee workgroup as “gatekeeping” all communications.  Not gatekeeping for approvals but for posting to approved channels.

    • Strategy - What are the best forums (ex, conferences) for presentations? Is the workgroup responsible for determining/finding the best venues - NO, not responsible, but can propose as can any other member/workgroup. Discussion: Responsible for collating, coordinating and collecting outlets/opportunities.

    • Are we responsible for creating/obtaining a logo? Who would build this? Budget/Donation? Can we use free logo design services? - YES, create/suggest options for Steering Committee approval. - Is current triangle logo satisfactory, and can we get copies?

  • Discuss SHIELD One Pager

    • Prepare One Pager for Steering Committee review/approval at 9/19 meeting

    • Must be submitted to CDC for clearance by COB on 9/22.

    • One-page, front and back

Action items

  • Eric will work on one-pager. Work via email, but be prepared to review on next Workgroup meeting on 9/13

  • Workgroup members should prepare to discuss recommendations related to the Workgroup Charge on next Steering Committee meeting.

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