2024-02-05 LIDR WG Meeting Notes


Feb 5, 2024






Hung Luu


Riki Merrick

Vernetzt, APHL

Andrea Pitkus


Pam Banning

3M - Solventum

Xavier Gansel


Amy McCormick


Dan Rutz


Rob Rae


Rob Hausam

Hausam Consulting

Sandy Jones


Stan Huff


Ed Heierman

Abbott / IICC

Andrew Quinn


Laurent Lardin


Anthony Killeen


Craig Collom


Marti Velezis

 Sonrisa / FDA

Walter Sujansky


Susan Downer


Ralf Herzog


Cornelia Felder


Daniel Golson


Andrea Prada


Maria Sagat


Raja Cholan


Russ Ott


Akila Namasivayam


Agenda and Notes





Reviewing minutes from the last call - Action Item Follow up

Call Schedule

send OOO via chat or email

Review LIDR White Paper


LIDR Elements Discussion

  • What is the use case for the Potassium file example?

    • for inclusion in patient result or in lab communication?

    • LIVD is for communication between LIS and instrument, LIDR is the bigger representation of data for EHR-s to LIS?

    • Riki’s thoughts: for setting up the test in the lab (and for IVD-to LIS communications, for clinican to undersant the result, for researchers what might be going on for this group of IVD instruments, maybe even for patients to better understand their results

  • For clinicians there are elements that do not come off the instruments.

    • we may want to indicate in LIDR which columns would be important for which use case - may be on a test by test basis.

    • Some elements are static - always true, while others might be dymanic

    • Indicate in the table when an element is not applicable (as important / optional - example source site for venupuncture)

    • may need to have elements that explain which elements are dynamic for this particular test for a patient result- and maybe what they are

      • AOEs for 24 hour urine collection for example

      • Some panels report all elements, while others just report the sumary calculation

  • For UDI there are patterns - heamtology uses different reagents for many cell types, stains have different reagents

    • Device Identifier of the UDI is what we are talking about in LIDR - in the patient examples we may have production identifiers (instance level) - or a full UDI string

  • What UDI would be applicable to a calculation?

    • UDI applies to a device - UDI does not apply to a result, it is describing the system that was used

  • Operational definition for test will be important so we are not talking past each other

  • Package insert items - are those are discretely captured by FDA?

    • If not, how could we move towards that?

  • Relationship between LIDR and IHE LAW? We would expect to develop elements needed in IHE LAW = CLSI AUTO-16 in LIDR and vice versa

    • LAW: Analyzer workflow (order query or direct sending orders and reporting results back to the LIS)

      • data that moves from IVD to LIS (analyzer manager)

  • Need to define the different testing patterns and what elements we might need for them

  • Start with quantitative tests first and include the process of how to expand on LIDR elements for additonal testing patterns

    • Start with LIVD on FHIR - that can then build the first LIDR out of the collections of these files provided by IVD vendors

    • and then build in additional elements particularly elements that are transactional in LAW and

      • Some other elements desired by CDC - like CLIA complexity

      • consider not including the panel order codes (they were included in LIVD for COVID) - for some of the multi-plex products this may be helpful, but hard to deal with for any panel

        • Even for some of the more variable panels, there often is information in the order that is helpful to understanding the results - or even affect the LOINC of the resulted test


Please see the action items at top of this page - Next deliverable is White paper draft by end of this month

And we need to prioritize the use cases, so that we can finalize the requirements for the first phase of LIDR, which need to be included in the White paper

Next call

Monday 2/12/2024 9 - 10 AM ET


 9:52 AM ET





Action items


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  • @riki.merrick