2024-02-14 Communications and Branding Meeting Minutes

2024-02-14 Communications and Branding Meeting Minutes


Feb 14, 2024










 Andrea Pitkus

 University of Wisconsin-Madison

 Steering Committee member


 Eric Crugnale

 Sonic Healthcare USA

 Steering Committee member


Nanguneri Nirmala


Steering Committee member


Stacy Lange

Patient Advocate

Steering Committee member



Kevin Schap





  • Meeting time: Nirmala has a conflict this semester. She has the following availability if we would consider moving meeting time to accommodate her:

    • Weds 3-5 3pm not good for Kevin or Stacy

    • Thurs mornings or 3-5

    • Discussed options and reviewed email responses. Agreed to move meeting time to Thursdays at 4:05pm ET, biweekly starting on 2/29/24. Eric will send out updated invite.

  • Update on CAP Today article

    • Kevin sending email today reaching out to selected interviewees and will coordinate getting them in contact with writer.

  • Presentations

    • API: Opportunity to put 5-minute videos up that will rotate. Kevin will reach out to determine deadline for submissions. Could be a backup plan if Dr. Lu’s presentation isn’t accepted.

    • Call for proposals now open. Deadline, extended to Feb 4th, 2024 for short (15 minute) oral abstracts or traditional abstracts. Maybe be redundant with other submitted presentations. CAP has submitted a presentation related to their BAA contract work. Not sure if it has been approved yet. Dr. Luu has also submitted a Standard Topic related to his work with Synensys. Eric will follow up with Riki, Andrea and Dr. Luu to gauge interest in submitting for oral presentation (maybe as a hedge). Just to update this item. Eric did discuss it with Riki and Andrea, and the decision was not to submit for the 15-minute oral presentation based upon Dr. Luu having already submitted.

  • SHIELD “Elevator Pitch” - Discussed the need for a range of concise statements that clearly express what SHIELD’s mission/goals are for various stakeholders, ranging from patients to providers to informaticists, etc. In addition, we would like to develop a slightly longer statement that clearly expresses the SHIELD building blocks and how they would come together to achieve the goals of Systemic Harmonization and interoperability. As a starting point, a page was added to the Communications Workgroup space to collaborate on the “elevator pitch”. Stacy had drafted something that was appropriate for patient/caregiver and we worked briefly to make recommendations to specify lab/pathology tests as the scope of the statement (vs. a more general statement on data interoperability or information sharing). We will continue to refine the statement, and then create versions of it that include more technical details appropriate for the various audiences.

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