We need unanimous approval for ANY changes to the charter.
We are going to clarify the following sections of the charter - bold italic is changed text:
Vote #1 Update to add new section at the end of
Section 6: Membership Application and Certification
A member is deemed to be in good standing if the member meets all ethical standards, policies, and procedures of the Organization. Membership applies to Steering Committee members.
Approved by 3 (as of 2/14 - will update prior to SC call)
Vote #2 Update to add new section at the end of
Section 7: Termination or Withdrawal of Membership
Appeal of Termination from Membership
An appeal of a termination shall be submitted to the Chair and Vice Chair, which would be presented to the Steering Committee for a hearing and final decision requiring a 2/3 vote approval of quorate Steering Committee.
Approved by 3 (as of 2/14 - will update prior to SC call)
In addition to the above need wordsmithing before vote - Update ARTICLE THREE: MEMBERSHIP
Here are the ideas we want to convey:
Allow anyone who requests to participate via email in the ALL SHIELD calls (to Steering Committee Chair or Vice Chair) - we want to be as open as possible for these calls, as long as we can ensure some vetting to avoid distruptions
Membership to workgroups or Steering Committee are more tightly regulated by:
#1 requiring to be a partcipant of the Shield communty already (see above) and a request for membership to workgroup chair(s) for a review of candiates qualifications#2 requiring nominations (self nominations are allowable) sent to Steering Committee Chair and or Vice Chair for Steering Committee Membership
Section 1: Classes and Eligibility
Anyone wishing to participate in the ALL SHIELD calls shall reach out to the community via email to SHIELDLabCodes@gmail.com and/or the Steering Committee Chair or Vice Chair, providing an introductory statement as to their interest in joining the community. For a more engaged participation in Workgroups or at the Steering Committee level there shall be two classes of membership in the organization:
Any organization with mission-critical government, industry, clinical, academic, standards development, professional organization, or similar interests in promoting the cause of the organization as set forth in Article Two may apply for membership as an Organizational Member.
Any individual who has interest in promoting the cause of the organization as set forth in Article Two may apply for membership as an Individual Member. In such capacity, Individual Members shall represent only themselves in their personal capacity without regard to any organization with which they may be an employee or otherwise affiliated.
If a member desires to switch between membership types, the request shall be made to SHIELD’s Steering Commitee Chair and/or Vice Chair for 2/3 vote approval of a quorate Steering Committee.
Section 2: Rights - no suggested changes
All Members shall have the following rights in service of achieving and advancing the organization's mission:
Nomination of organizations or individuals for Membership
Vote on matters to which their class of Membership entitles them, as described subsequently in this charter
Serve on the Steering Committee
Serve on SHIELD Community Workgroups
Access to the specifications and standards adopted and promoted by the organization (and its affiliated organizations), and license to the related IP and copyrights, to the extent that it is offered unrestricted in the public domain
In addition, all Organizational Members shall have the following additional rights:
Selection of a Primary Delegate to participate in SHIELD Community activities as speaking and voting on the Organizational Member’s behalf
Selection of a Secondary Delegate to participate in SHIELD Community activities as speaking and voting on the Organizational Member’s behalf when the Primary Delegate is unable to participate
Permit other personnel affiliated with the Organizational Member to participate in SHIELD Community activities
Representation of the SHIELD Community in public forums (e.g., professional conferences or webinars)
Section 3: Voting - no suggested changes
Any Member may abstain from participating in a vote.
Section 4: Responsibilities - no suggested changes
All Members shall contribute time and expertise to SHIELD Community workgroups, honor their SHIELD Community commitments, solicit opinions from stakeholders, represent their broader field, be responsive to the organization's strategic goals, adhere to the organization’s charter and standing rules, and ensure their attendance and active participation in meetings and Workgroups.
Section 5: Membership Composition
Members shall be drawn from the following stakeholder groups, and each Member shall be categorized as being primarily a representative of one of these Stakeholder Categories:
Industry Entity (e.g., Epic, 3M, Cerner, Abbott, Biomerieux, Roche, IMO, Deloitte, Hausam Consulting, )
Healthcare Provider (e.g., UTSW, UNMC, Graphite, Indiana University, Tufts University, University of Wisconsin, NACHC, Quest, Labcorp) - including physicians, informatians, academia, but clearly identifying the expertise inside this group)
Standards Organization (e.g., SNOMED, Regenstrief, HL7, IICC)
Professional Organization (e.g., ACLA, APHL, CAP, AACC, AMB, EHRA)
Patient Advocacy
Government Entity - (e.g. FDA, ONC, CDC, NIH)
Section 6: Membership Application and Certification
Nominations for Membership in Workgroups or Steering Committee shall be made by a community participant in writing (can be self-nomination using email) addressed to the respective group's Chair and/or Vice Chair. In addition to being nominated, an organization or individual must also apply in writing. In the case of an Organizational Member, the application must also be signed by a duly authorized representative of the applicant. New Members must be approved by at least a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Steering Committee’s Voting Representatives.
Section 7: Termination or Withdrawal of Membership
A Member may be suspended or terminated by the unanimous consent of the Steering Committee’s Voting Members on the good faith determination that the Member in a material or serious degree violated the organization’s charter, or rules of conduct, or has engaged in conduct material and seriously prejudicial to the purposes and interests of the organization. Termination means that the Member loses its rights and benefits of membership (including rights to participate in any of the activities of the organization such as participation in workgroups) until such time as the Member’s membership is reinstated based on the requirements stated by the Steering Committee.
Withdrawal from Membership
A Member may withdraw from the organization at any time by providing written notice to the organization's Chair and Vice Chair.