

SHIELD Meeting Minutes: Weekly Comm Committee Meeting

Held on:

Tuesday, 06/22/2021


Vishal, Victor

Nirmal Nanguneri, Molly Polen, Amanda O’Rourke, Nathan David, Morris Glickman

Action Items:

·       Create a straw man to provide to the committee and go from there

·       Talk to Greg P about getting the pilot studies

·       Comms plan will be around 2 pages (target audiences, general message about program, thoughts on messaging points for the audiences, strawman timeline)


Meeting Notes

Agenda/Discussion Items: 

·       i.e. Activities

·       i.e. Past week’s accomplishments




·       Last call we discussed who are the audiences, what are the things happening in healthcare realm we can capitalize on, how is this helping population health,



·       Target audience: funders (gov’t funders, C-suite hospital, corporate donors, Google, Microsoft)

·       Target Audience: lab directors, corporate C-suite, physicians

·       Patient safety is very important

·       HRO and Healthcare



Next Steps:




Other Qs or Concerns:





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