CA TB ICC APHL Meeting: 2022-08-17 Meeting notes

CA TB ICC APHL Meeting: 2022-08-17 Meeting notes


Aug 3, 2022


  • @Gretl Glick

  • Sara Buss

  • Marty

  • Laura

  • Anne

  • Andrew

  • Catherine

  • Paul Tibbetts

  • Zenda

  • Amy Tieku



Discussion topics






  1. Migration plan

AIMS prod to ARMOR prod – plan + data migration

  1. Deploy LWP to ARMOR Prod

                                                    i.     Verify dashboard, users, HELP (Vova)

  1. Migrate 12K+ orders to ARMOR Prod (Steve; choose Friday night to migrate)

  2. Starlims migration + LIMSConnect + repoint to ARMOR (Catherine)

  3. LWP AIMS prod needs to be repointed to LWP ARMOR prod (Thomas)



  1. Communication plan for the move, including how production support/helpdesk will be handled (fully iCC)

Since CDPH is using LIMSConnect to facilitate the interface between LWP and its STARLIMS instance, production support has been handled by iCC exclusively since the TB lab went live. iCC is automatically notified when LIMSConnect issues arise and addresses them by interacting with CDPH LIMSConnect instance. Other production LWP issues are logged into Smartsheet, which auto-populates Slack channel monitored by iCC and are addressed from there.


  1. Copy of the SLA iCC has with CA

See attached


  1. Plan to ensure CDC TB will still have access to the LWP TB module

No change in user access since all the current users and data will be migrated to ARMOR production. AIMS environment will be repointed to Armor.



3 Labs:

  • VRDL (ICC contract)

  • MDL (ICC Contract)

  • TB (APHL/CDC Contract)

    • AIMS Production

  • ICC does not want to create 2 separate 2 LWPs and 2 separate LIMSConnect, so would like to migrate all labs to 1 hosting environment with 1 SL/LIMSConnect

  • APHL: TB work is funded through Coag with CDC

  • Zenda: Technically happening in background, but unaware of migration, not fully aware of implications, appreciate clarifications

  • APHL: TB LWP Is hosted on AIMS, have role on SB & PROD deployments, involved in response investigation

    • If migrated to Armor: APHL would not be involved in incident response not would we have insight into anything

    • MS: Security incident: Any HIPAA--APHL would not be visible, would need to connect with CDPH Compliance Officer, and documentation that APHL would not be involved in incidence response

  • Zenda: Why are we migrating?

    • AIMS is being used for TB, but ICC is using different hosting platform for ICC Contracts

  • APHL: CDC is hesitant to migrate, lack of clarity/visibility/security concerns; PM support for ongoing prod support may not continue

  • ICC: Would be responsible for deploying to Armor Prod

    • additional visibility to production servers and support

  • MDL/VRDL: Pressure to go to prod…can wait until Aug after TB is deployed



  • Decision:

    • Keep TB on AIMS

    • Need time to have conversations, Documentation for migration to Armor (no hard end date yet)

    • Clarify TA Support for production support if on Armor



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