2021-09-15 Meeting Notes

2021-09-15 Meeting Notes



Riki Merrick


Grace Oguntebi


Susan Downer


Phylis Stromile


Amanda Payne


Gretl Glick


Natalie Raketich


Laura Carlton


Jamie Patterson


Kandis Brown


Emily Augustini


Dave Sanderson


Pam White


Benson Chang


Tina Hardin


Kevin McNeal


Jerry Sable


Rupal Patel


Andy Shotwell


Doug York


Amy Liu


Jackson McKeever


Discussion topics







Agenda Review





Vocab Team Calendar

AIMS+ Topics



Pulsecheck/Round Robin


Vocab Team Resource Dashboard


SHIELD approach


  • should hand over the dB work to NIH - Jerry was workign through other use cases and did more review

  • discussed the SHIELD strategies appoach:

    • should consider a smaller pilot

      • doing that for the IVD data hub

      • doing that for Laboratory Interoperability Data Repository = LIDR - focus on respiratory diseases + vendors that already produce LIVD files (Roche, Abbott, Biomerieux)

  • the section for LIVD file data repository (LIDR) is here Strategies - Section 5

National Flatfile


What are the proposed changes: https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/1205960901/CCB_Agenda_2021September9_v2.pptx.pdf?api=v2

How to deal with reporting



This is not for diagnostic use - will need package insert. and then may need to create more PLT codes

Question on how to link observations to specimen


Question from AZ: LRN-C is trying to link mulitple chemistry tests to the same sample in an ORU message - discussion around using OBR-3 or OBR-29 (that is for parent-child linking)

in later versions of v2 (v2.9) we added a linkage to the specimen ID (SPM-2) for each OBX, so you can link each observation to one or more specimen (OBX-33)

will just wait for explict questions, if they come up

Confluence Use

Amanda / Riki

Centralized document repository for links etc - use of file space? @Amanda Payne to find out if we have that option @Benson Chang to upload all resources his team can share
get guidance from PMO on where the documents should live (on sharepoint or in confluence?) 

Show and Tell?


SOP Worthy Topics

Will start this up in October - so first Show and Tell will be October 13, 2021 - so sign up!!

Sign up to be a presenter for an SOP worthy topic, if you are the one most familiar with the topic, estimate time it will take, and pick a date you might want to present on
Review the list of SOP worthy topics and add more (what do you think folks need to know, if they are taking over your work, or what skill do you know one of us has, that you would like to learn more about)

Check on the statu sof succession planning work


every month or so we should see where we are on this - need updating = https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/915865620/SuccessionPlan.xlsx?api=v2

Issue Review (Time Permitting)


Issues List from Sharepoint

this should probably migrate into Jira or smartsheet (depending on what the PMO wants) - we should review each one and decide if it is still a valid issue that needs work (and that can be closed - not something like maintenance of PLT and PLR codes)

Action items

  • Review the list of SOP worthy topics and add more (what do you think folks need to know, if they are taking over your work, or what skill do you know one of us has, that you would like to learn more about)

  • Sign up to be a presenter for an SOP worthy topic, if you are the one most familiar with the topic, estimate time it will take, and pick a date you might want to present on


Quick decisions not requiring context or tracking

For quick, smaller decisions that do not require extra context or formal tracking, use the “Add a decision…” function here.


Decisions requiring context or tracking

For decisions that require more context (e.g., documentation of discussion, options considered) and/or tracking, use the decision template to capture more information.

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