Vocab Tools and Processes
1.0 Links to Important SharePoint Libraries and Documents
1.0 Links to Important SharePoint Libraries and Documents
All of APHL’s vocabulary resources, including general working documents, references, and project-related work files, are stored on SharePoint.
1.1 APHL Informatics Consulting Site
This page serves as the unofficial home page for the TA Team. In addition to team calendars and conference lines, templates, and workspaces for the major functional areas (i.e., project management, technical architecture, and vocabulary), this site includes jurisdiction-specific working documents for the ELSM for Influenza and ELRTA projects.
1.2 Vocab Workspace
This page provides links to several important libraries that the vocabulary team uses to organize its work files, presentations, and resources.
1.2.1 Vocab Core Group Library
This library contains many of the vocabulary team’s work files. It is grouped into the following categories; note that this list is presented in order of the page, not importance. Important folders/files to review are highlighted.
S&I LOINC Order – Documents related to a joint project (now finished) with ONC’s Standards & Interoperability (S&I) Framework and the Regenstrief Institute to define rules for common test names that are short enough for use in EHR-S but clear enough to not be dangerous. THe S&I Framework documents are no longer available, but here is a PHI conference slide set: https://www.cdc.gov/labhit/paper/2016-standardization-of-laboratory-test-coding---phi-conference.pdf
RCMT Alert – Related to work on the Reportable Condition Knowledge Management System (RCKMS).
Package Inserts – All SOPs or package inserts we have collected. If you obtain a new one, please add it here.
General folder – Includes APHL maintained code system, notes from Vocab-related meetings (NLM, LOINC, IHTSDO), an APHL tool inventory, SDO participation call schedule, reference documentation (JLAC10, HL70487 to SCT mapping for specimen, ELR R2 value sets) – specifically:
APHL maintained code system for:
Lab tests or anything that will be submitted for a LOINC via Regenstrief = PLT
Lab results, specimen types, or anything that will be submitted for a SNOMED CT code via NLM = PLR
We are looking for new tooling for maintenance here, these code systems are both published 2x per year in PHINvads and synched with LOINC and US edition of SCT
ELSM – Any Influenza ELSM related documents prepared by the vocab team, including older versions of the documents published via the Config Management tab (also accessible via left side link ELSM 2.5.1) – most of the documents now are just for historical purposes, except this one: https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Vocab%20Core%20Group%20Library/Influenza%20PCR%20CDC%20test.xls
ELRTA – Any ELR TA-related documentation. The contents of this group are rather old actually and include info on the ELR R2 guide ballot, etc.
eLEXNET – Information about the data elements used in eLEXNET, the data exchange format used, and the manual on how to map local to FDFA terms.
Database – Contains the specimencrossmapping dB (collection of terms describing different specimen types with definitions, collection methods, and SNOMED CT mapping) and some metadata around it.
Centralized ELR -
1.3 Outside the Vocab Workspace
In addition to the Vocab workspace, the following libraries or documents on SharePoint are of relevance for the vocab team.
1.3.1 Templates
All TAT – This grouping in the Templates library contains documents that can be used regardless of the project, including:
Presentation explaining Interoperability need and a brief intro to standards: https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=915865620&preview=/915865620/3140517931/HL7_and_Interoperability.ppt
Presentation explaining How to LOINC and SNOMED: https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=915865620&preview=/915865620/3139960895/How_to_LOINC_and_SNOMED.ppt
1.3.2 TA Manual
Description of TA services
1.3.3 Config Management
The Configuration Management site on SharePoint contains standards documents for all projects, as well as tools and materials relevant to the APHL-managed Change Control Board (CCB). So far, the CCB manages ELSM for Influenza and VPD. There are plans to add ELR for Animal Rabies soon. The Configuration Management site includes:
An explanation of the Change Control Process https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/SitePages/CCB.aspx
Meeting minutes from Change Control Board (CCB) calls https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/SitePages/CCB_Document_Library.aspx
Change Requests for managed Projects https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Lists/ChangeRequest/Default.aspx
Standards documents for all projects https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/SitePages/Home.aspx
1.3.4 Vocab Issues
This tracking list is not high in use, since we have started using ZenDesk. Previously, we used it to track longer-term issues, so we wouldn’t forget about them. We review the issues 3 times a year on a vocab call now, but it is open for discussion if the team wants to make this a more active tool. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Vocab_Issues/Lists/Vocab%20Issues/Status.aspx
1.3.5 Vocab Guiding Principles and Decisions
This Wiki library is a collection of definitions and decisions documented over time since PHLIP started in 2006. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Vocab_Guiding_Principles/SitePages/Home.aspx
1.3.6 Archived site
APHL retired an old SharePoint site at the end of 2012. Occasionally, the vocab team may need to reference the documentation on this archived site.
Old Glossary and primer document https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/Informatics_Program/Projects/PHLIP/PrimerWG/Wiki%20Pages/Home.aspx
Old Harmonization work products by condition https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/Informatics_Program/Projects/PHLIP/VMWG/VM Wiki Glossary/Home.aspx
1.4 Vocab Specific Documents by Project
Underlying HL7 specification = ELR R1 v2.5.1 https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Vocab%20Core%20Group%20Library/V251_IG_LB_LABRPTPH_R1_INFORM_2010FEB.pdf
and related documents: https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Vocab%20Core%20Group%20Library/ELR_IG_R1_Additional_Errata_and_Guidance.docx
(not on SharePoint, but please review) NIST tooling: http://hl7v2-elr-testing.nist.gov/mu-elr/
1.4.1 Public Health Laboratory Interoperability Project (PHLIP)
ELSM for Influenza 2.3.1
HL7 Implementation guide (legacy connections – working on migrating folks over) https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/HL7%20v231%20APHL%20Influenza%20Msg%20Guide%20ORU%20v1.0.2.doc
Message mapping template (2.3.1) – local to HL7 fields, configuration, Epi important information, all HL7 related vocab, country, state, county codes, gender vocab, specimen vocab, OBR-4, OBX-3, OBX-5 https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Vocab%20Core%20Group%20Library/PHLIP_Template_Message_Spec_20110802.xls
ELSM for Influenza 2.5.1
Business Rule document describes any additional constraints on the national ELR R1 guide. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/BUSINESS%20RULES%20DOCUMENT%20FOR%20PHLIP%20ELSM2.doc
Message mapping template (2.5.1) – local to HL7 fields, configuration, Epi important information, all HL7 related vocab, country, state, county codes, gender vocab, specimen vocab, OBR-4, OBX-3, OBX-5. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/251_PHLIP_Message_Spec_MappingTemplate.xls
Both 2.3.1 and 2.5.1
Encoding Guidelines – describes ALL the available codes for OBR-4, OBX-3, OBX-5, organized into value sets as they apply for the respective tests used – gets updated after Change Requests are approved and released maybe once a year before the beginning of the flu season. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/Flu%20Test%20Encoding%20Guideline%20Aug2016.xls
Deprecated code list – provides a list of deprecated codes with their replacement codes, if applicable - we give folks at least 6 months after deprecation to migrate over to replacement codes while both codes are usually valid – tabs list codes with dates after which they are no longer supposed to be messaged. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/Deprecated%20Codes_Flu.xlsx
Validation spreadsheet (Test Scenarios) – provides several testing scenarios that labs have to produce as part of the validation process and includes example data – this document is the template to be customized for each laboratory getting onboarded and will be used for validation feedback.
https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/PHLIP_Validation_Test_Cases_Template.xlsLink to the CDC site explaining how to map their PCR tests: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/professionals/diagnosis/rtpcr-test-kits.htm
1.4.2 ELSM for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPD)
Business Rule document – describes any additional constraints on the national ELR R1 guide. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/VPD_Business_Rules_v2.2.docx
Message Specification – applied the business rules to the underlying 2.5.1 ELR guide. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/VPD_Message_Spec_20150630.xlsx
Message mapping template (2.5.1) – local to HL7 fields, configuration, Epi important information, all HL7 related vocab, country, state, county codes, gender vocab, specimen vocab, OBR-4, OBX-3, OBX-5, Specimen reject reason, specimen condition.
OBR-4-OBX-3-OBX-5 rules – describes ALL the available codes for OBR-4, OBX-3, OBX-5, organized into value sets as they apply for the respective tests used. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/VPD_CodeCombinations.xlsx
Deprecated code list – identifies the effective time of the codes in the list – when added, when deprecated and provides replacement codes, where applicable. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/Deprecated_Codes_VPD.xlsx
Submitting Labs – list of submitting labs, their POC, and the assigned reference centers. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/VPD_SubmittingLabs.accdb
1.4.3 Rabies
Business Rule document – describes any additional constraints on the national ELR R1 guide. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/251_ELR_Animal_Rabies_Business_Rules_Document.docx
Message mapping template (2.5.1) – local to HL7 fields, configuration, all HL7 related vocab, country, state, county codes, gender vocab, specimen vocab, OBR-4, OBX-3, OBX-5, OBR-4-OBX-3-OBX-5 rules are included in this file. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/251_ELR_Animal_Rabies_Message_Mapping_Template.xls
Validation spreadsheet (Test Scenarios) – provides several testing scenarios that labs have to produce as part of the validation process and includes example data – this document is the template to be customized for each laboratory getting onboarded and will be used for validation feed. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/Rabies_TestScenarios_ValidationTool.xlsx
Published Test Stories – in readable format for sharing https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/ConfigMgt/Standards%20Document%20Library/Published%20Rabies%20Test%20Stories.html
Main tooling page - maybe a table with the link and description of what it’s for (do we need to state who has access?):
this would have links to Symedical, NIST IGAMT and TCAMT, OID master sheet (should migrate to smartsheet), specimen CMT, PLT/PLR codes (as long as we need to still use the spreadsheet) etc
1.4.4 NNDSS Modernization Initiative (NMI)
NMI PHIN specification – HL7 guide for properly creating a message and defined datatypes. PHIN Messaging Specification for Case Notification v3
Event Codes & Other Surveillance Resources - annual event code lists and other resources for sending case notifications to CDC https://ndc.services.cdc.gov/event-codes-other-surveillance-resources/
Q&A for Implementation - https://www.cdc.gov/nndss/trc/mmg/implementation-faq.html
MMGs and Additional Resources – this link takes you to the list of final MMGs and their associated resources: https://ndc.services.cdc.gov/message-mapping-guides/ Click on the condition of interest to access to following documents:
MMG and Test Case Scenarios - provides data elements and their expected answers with info on usage, cardinality, etc. Each condition-specific MMG should be used in conjunction with the GenV2 MMG to create a complete case notification message.
The TCSW tab provides the test case scenarios that PHAs must complete prior to onboarding.
Implementation spreadsheet – a tool intended to aid PHAs in conducting and documenting their gap analysis. It combines the PHIN guide information with the data elements for the conditions described in the GenV2 and condition-specific MMG.
Test message package - a zip file containing sample messages created by CDC for each test case scenario.
Annotated case report form (if applicable) - a pdf that maps the data elements in the MMG to the case report form.
Other resources - the CDC program may choose to add additional resources for implementation, such as FAQs or crosswalks to previous methods of data transmission.
APHL documents (internal use only) - NMI project deliverables can be found on the APHL Sharepoint site here: https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/NMI/NMI Deliverables/Forms/AllItems.aspx. These include compiled test scenarios, implementation spreadsheets, local mapping templates, technical architecture documentation and validation templates.
1.4.5 Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR)
Best mapping practices document – describes for each condition what we have seen across jurisdictions that worked best – is draft, was reviewed but never published
Flowsheet for Lab SME – mapping spreadsheet with condition-specific lab workflow diagrams and recommended LOINC/SNOMED mapping, where applicable. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/ELR%20TA%20Working%20Documents/FLowsheetForLABSMEReview.xlsx
1.4.6 Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network (ARLN)
Data dictionary: https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Vocab%20Core%20Group%20Library/ARLN_DD_draft_20181116.xlsx
We use ELRR1 for Candida, GC and in the future for CRE, CRPA, Activity2 (and for labs that are not using an order entry portal also for CRE colonization), LOI, and LRI from June 2018
1.4.7 Laboratory Messaging Community of Practice (LabMCoP)
Call notes and documents for the community to discuss and come up with recommendations for messaging problems (we often then take these to HL7 or IHE to have them vetted more broadly and then implemented either in base standards or at least in implementation profiles)
1.5 Message validation process Step-by-Step
1.5.1 Validating test message
Structural validation of the message in the respective tool:
For ELR / PHLIP 251 / VPD / rabies = http://hl7v2-elr-testing.nist.gov/mu-elr/
For PHLIP 2.3.1, VPD, NMI = METS - Message Evaluation and Testing Service | CDC
For PHLIP, VPD, Rabies, and ALRN you can also ask @Dave Sanderson (Unlicensed) (our technical architect) to provide you access to his Front End Validation FEV, using the respective rhapsody validation routes with additional date checks, length checks, and vocab validation
Recorded Demo of FEV: FEV Overview
If NO errors there, then:
Eyeball the message in “notepad++” for:
carriage return use = “CR”; any other entry at the end of the line indicating the start of the next segment should be noted as an error to be fixed
Check MSH-21 for proper use of all respective profile IDs
Check MSH-3/MSH-4 for proper OID use by the sending jurisdiction
Check MSH-5/MSH-6 for proper OID use identifying the receiver
Test Scenario Content validation:
For each project, we have created an excel based test case validation tool, that, once you copy-paste the parsed HL7 message to the tab for the described test case will do a lookup against expected codes and highlight issues (this could use improvement)
Here is an example for NMI: https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/NMI/NMI%20Deliverables/NMI_Validation_Template_20170719_GenV2.xlsx
Ensure that any lab-specific algorithms are tested when preparing the test scenario file for the lab
For each test case review the expected values in the scenario document (where used) against the values in the message and identify any issues, in particular:
Review OBX-2 data type = should match what is actually sent in OBX-5
Review codes used in OBX-3 / OBX-5 against the rules document (encoding guideline for PHLIP, OBR-4-OBX-3-OBX-5 rules for VPD and rabies) and in the implementation spreadsheet for NMI
Check for any other codes in the OBX segment (OBX-8, OBX-11)
Check dates to see if they make sense in order (listed as early to last)
Date of Birth = PID-7 (UNLESS this is testing of the fetal specimen)
Specimen Collection = OBR-7/OBX-14 (for test results)/SPM-17
Specimen Received in Lab = SPM-18
Clinically relevant Observation date = OBX-14 (for anything else, but test results)
Analysis Date = OBX-19 (for test results)
Report Date = OBR-22
Status Code in OBR-25 follows these rules:
If all OBX-11 = ‘F’, then ‘F’
If at least one OBX-11 = ‘C’, then ‘C’ (some systems cannot do this, so document if that is the case in the notes column)
For most of the projects we only support F or C, though ELR will sometimes allow P, in which case at least one OBX-11 = ‘P’, then ‘P’ or ‘A’, in which case there is an expectation that some OBX are still missing
For the corrected scenario compare the OBR-22 date to the OBR-22 date in the first message for the same specimenID/PatientID/OrderID – if OBR-22 in the corrected message is later than in the first message pass, else error
Check that all the specimen types in use at the lab for the project are used at least once across test cases
Check that all race/ethnicity codes are used at least once across messages
Check that all EPI questions supported by the lab are tested at least once across messages
For NMI the expected data MUST MATCH EXACTLY as this document will be used for validation with CDC programs, so the jurisdiction will be asked to provide the data as entered into their system for IDs, dates, etc. and to document that