Vocab Tools and Processes

Vocab Tools and Processes


1.0 Links to Important SharePoint Libraries and Documents

2.0 General Resources

1.0 Links to Important SharePoint Libraries and Documents

All of APHL’s vocabulary resources, including general working documents, references, and project-related work files, are stored on SharePoint.

1.1 APHL Informatics Consulting Site

This page serves as the unofficial home page for the TA Team. In addition to team calendars and conference lines, templates, and workspaces for the major functional areas (i.e., project management, technical architecture, and vocabulary), this site includes jurisdiction-specific working documents for the ELSM for Influenza and ELRTA projects.


1.2 Vocab Workspace

This page provides links to several important libraries that the vocabulary team uses to organize its work files, presentations, and resources.


1.2.1 Vocab Core Group Library

This library contains many of the vocabulary team’s work files. It is grouped into the following categories; note that this list is presented in order of the page, not importance. Important folders/files to review are highlighted.

We are looking for new tooling for maintenance here, these code systems are both published 2x per year in PHINvads and synched with LOINC and US edition of SCT

  • ELSM – Any Influenza ELSM related documents prepared by the vocab team, including older versions of the documents published via the Config Management tab (also accessible via left side link ELSM 2.5.1) – most of the documents now are just for historical purposes, except this one: https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Vocab%20Core%20Group%20Library/Influenza%20PCR%20CDC%20test.xls

  • ELRTA – Any ELR TA-related documentation. The contents of this group are rather old actually and include info on the ELR R2 guide ballot, etc.

  • eLEXNET – Information about the data elements used in eLEXNET, the data exchange format used, and the manual on how to map local to FDFA terms.

  • Database – Contains the specimencrossmapping dB (collection of terms describing different specimen types with definitions, collection methods, and SNOMED CT mapping) and some metadata around it.

  • Centralized ELR -

  • ARLN -

1.3 Outside the Vocab Workspace

In addition to the Vocab workspace, the following libraries or documents on SharePoint are of relevance for the vocab team.

1.3.1 Templates

1.3.2 TA Manual

Description of TA services https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Templates/APHL%20INFORMATICS%20SERVICES%20GUIDANCE%20MANUAL.docx

1.3.3 Config Management

The Configuration Management site on SharePoint contains standards documents for all projects, as well as tools and materials relevant to the APHL-managed Change Control Board (CCB). So far, the CCB manages ELSM for Influenza and VPD. There are plans to add ELR for Animal Rabies soon. The Configuration Management site includes:

1.3.4 Vocab Issues

This tracking list is not high in use, since we have started using ZenDesk. Previously, we used it to track longer-term issues, so we wouldn’t forget about them. We review the issues 3 times a year on a vocab call now, but it is open for discussion if the team wants to make this a more active tool. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Vocab_Issues/Lists/Vocab%20Issues/Status.aspx

1.3.5 Vocab Guiding Principles and Decisions

This Wiki library is a collection of definitions and decisions documented over time since PHLIP started in 2006. https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Vocab_Guiding_Principles/SitePages/Home.aspx

1.3.6 Archived site

APHL retired an old SharePoint site at the end of 2012. Occasionally, the vocab team may need to reference the documentation on this archived site.

1.4 Vocab Specific Documents by Project

1.4.1 Public Health Laboratory Interoperability Project (PHLIP)

1.4.2 ELSM for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPD)

1.4.3 Rabies

  • Main tooling page - maybe a table with the link and description of what it’s for (do we need to state who has access?):

this would have links to Symedical, NIST IGAMT and TCAMT, OID master sheet (should migrate to smartsheet), specimen CMT, PLT/PLR codes (as long as we need to still use the spreadsheet) etc

1.4.4 NNDSS Modernization Initiative (NMI)

  • References:

    • NMI PHIN specification – HL7 guide for properly creating a message and defined datatypes. PHIN Messaging Specification for Case Notification v3

    • Event Codes & Other Surveillance Resources - annual event code lists and other resources for sending case notifications to CDC