Upload API: Working ON v1.1-In progress, status of upload
V1.1.2-Will work on authenticating via SAMS SSO
Milestones on progress
Reviewing AIMS connection to DEX options: Research/Analysis: In Progress
Upload API - AIMS has reviewed docs, but have not yet requested to be added to the DEX activity.
Pro: resumable technology looks like it solves a the problem of supporting large file uploads to web apis.
Con: is that it would be a client agent within AIMS that would need continual maintenance and also the ability to track success/failure (queue/dead letter) and team prepared to debug if certificates, credentials, etc change.
AWS data sync to azure blob storage -
Background: the integration for azure blob storage is notably a “preview” feature on AWS’s side.
Pro: job would be configured on each side with no code to maintain.
Con: A downside is that this is a job that has to run on some cron frequency - so data flow will be in chunks as opposed to a “real time” stream.
Alternative research: potential other project’s integration into azure using Azure Connectors for SQS and S3 to see if it would apply to this problem. This would match how AIMS already internally handles event driven processing & would inherit what the team already knows how to use.
Geo is working on proto-typing this option and will have an update next time we meet
Need to investigate the effort on the Azure side to make configurations and/or services to use these connectors.
Research in progress, AIMS has not requested access
Other Options: Will continue to research
Mtg Notes:
AIMS/APHL Updates:
SDS (Send to DEX Servce) / Upload API
Tested connectivity successfully
Prototyped runtime using Docker image & lambda using aims sandbox
Determine what a load/performance test should look like & perform the test
Determine if we want the runtime to be in Lambda, Mirth, Fargate, or k8s
AWS DataSync
Prerequisite for transfer test: EC2 instance to run data sync agent - did not complete this
Tested connectivity to S3 and Azure locations
Further research/additional information needed regarding cost / architecture questions for scaling this solution long term
Azure Logic Apps / Connectors
Further research/additional information needed regarding cost implications in azure to run
Need help understanding continued monitoring & maintenance of a logic app
Gretl Glick Next Meeting: Schedule: June 1, 2023 at 1pm ET
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