6/1/23 CELR Data Lake Migration Meeting notes

6/1/23 CELR Data Lake Migration Meeting notes


Jun 1, 2023








Dari Shirazi:

Megan Light:

Erroll Rosser:

Vanessa Holley : X

Teresa Jue: --

Kristin Peterson :

Brooke Beaulieu: X

Cheri Gatland-Lightener:

Tom Russell: --

Mel Kourbage:

Norris Kpamegan :

Marcelo Caldas:

Gretl Glick: X

Ryan Harrison: X

Don Lindsay: X

Geo Miller: X


Leslyn Mcnabb:

Alissa McShane:




  • Update on Data Lake Migration Status

  • DEX Overview and Status Update

Discussion topics





Overall Status Updates

  • Reviewing AIMS connection to DEX options: Research/Analysis: In Progress

    • AIMS/APHL Updates:

      1. SDS (Send to DEX Servce) / Upload API

        1. Tested connectivity successfully

        2. Prototyped runtime using Docker image & lambda using aims sandbox

        3. Next:

          1. Determine what a load/performance test should look like & perform the test

          2. Determine if we want the runtime to be in Lambda, Mirth, Fargate, or k8s

      2. AWS DataSync

        1. Prerequisite for transfer test: EC2 instance to run data sync agent - did not complete this

        2. Tested connectivity to S3 and Azure locations

        3. Further research/additional information needed regarding cost / architecture questions for scaling this solution long term

      3. Azure Logic Apps / Connectors

        1. Further research/additional information needed regarding cost implications in azure to run

        2. Need help understanding continued monitoring & maintenance of a logic app

        3. Power Automate vs Logic Apps

      4. RAS (Receive from AIMS Service)

        1. With a slight modification, the SDS can run as a poller

        2. Have built similar poller services many times, can be done with this for performance testing in a few days if there is interest

        3. Would run on the DEX/Azure side to poll SQS and get data from AIMS S3




Metadata values required by DEX

  • meta_destination_id – unique identifier used to indicate the program associated with

the upload.

  • meta_ext_event – unique identifier used to indicate the event type within the program

that this file belongs to (e.g., routineImmunization).

optional for all:


  • How is optional metadata for a specific meta_destination_id/meta_ext_event/meta_schema_version defined?

  • Does this need to be defined before sending metadata values or will DEX allow any additional optional metadata values to be sent?

Mtg Notes:

  • Prototyped download to bucket:

    • No issues using upload API

    • Meta Data Questions

    • Viable path forward

  • Option 2: AWS Data Sync

    • Runs on schedule

    • Cost implications/questions/ blob storage time period

    • Requires EC2 configuration, without monitoring and auditing services

    • Within S3--when copy is done, are the same keys within S3 in Azure? No; Metadata is not copied over to blob metadata--not impossible, but would need to create solution

      • Would need either to …option 1 write custom connector or

      • Questions on long-term monitoring and cost

  • Option 3:

    • Requires EC2 configuration, without monitoring and auditing services

    • Within S3--when copy is done, are the same keys within S3 in Azure? No; Metadata is not copied over to blob metadata--not impossible, but would need to create solution

      • Would need either to …option 1 write custom connector or

      • Questions on long-term monitoring and cost

      • CDC is pulling data

  • Option 4:

    • Almost same as Option 1

    • Instead of pushing to httpm endpoint, could just have DEX pull from AIMS

  • Pros/Cons to all options:

    • Either using upload API, or having DEX pull data from S3 bucket on AIMs is most viable

      • DEX: What is the thing doing the pull? AIMS: Would provide code to DEX, set of library code

      • AIMS: This would be similar to initial data pull for EIP+

      • Could make a new code base, would share code with DEX, used for other integration projects

  • Decision Point:

    • Load test/Performance Test: Using meta data

      • Option 1: Aims will need to decide to where to host, but could start that next week

      • Option 4: Needs a bit of refinement, but also viable

      • Option 2,3: Would need additional developer research/support to implement

    • Uncertain if meta data comes across with Option Data Sync: Scheduling feature, and growth of data would need to be configured/monitored

    • AIMS/DS: Choice needs to be considered from long-term viability and ability to use for other programs/use cases

      • GM: Bucket used would prefix project, meta data used would be mapped to data upload api object, so could be scaled

      • DS: Option 4 is nicer for AIMS, as less code is maintained on AIMS; Polling from CDC; Queue can be monitored, but is available for CDC to poll at any time

        • Question is who is monitoring queue/polling

    • DEX: In Option 4, how is Meta Data received? AIMS: Get object command would make meta data available; DEX: Meta Data would be persisted in Azure blob

  • Leslynn: Are there any programs which APHL would need to pull data back from CDC? Dari: Currently, EIP is the only program which pushes data from CDC, but that would be migrated to CDC Platform intermediate term

  • Leslynn: Total daily volumes--would this be possible to provide per program?

    • AIMS: Can provide overview of volume for DLs, and potentially other programs

      • Action item: Provide counts to Leslynn and Ryan

  • AIMS: Preference would be Option 4; Option 1 would need to be coordinated long-term with DEX, so higher LOE

    • DEX: Coordination would not be needed, DEX would

    • DEX: Could we test Option 1?

DRAFT Data Flow Diagram




Next Steps & Action Items

  • Next steps:


Action items

Continue to research options, decide on option, AIMS will create data flow diagram @Geoffery Miller
Provide Geo with paid Azure subscription for prototype/testing @dari.shirazi@aphl.org or @Alissa McShane
@Gretl Glick Next Meeting: Schedule: June 1, 2023 at 1pm ET

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