5/624 CELR/DEX Prod Migration Planning Discussion


May 6, 2024










Geo Miller



Gretl Glick: X
















Discussion topics





CELR Production Cutover to DEX

SAMS Credentials updated to SAMS PRD to send to DEX STG

CELR Migration to Production

  • SAMS Production Credentials updated by AIMS

  • CELR PRD Data being sent to DEX STG

  • Potential Production Migration to DEX PRD--Target end of May 2024--after issues have been addressed

  • Per peraton: CELR on CDC Platform potentially ready for production June 2024


Metadata Updates:


Allowed value Restrictions:

Data producer = jurisdiction producing data

Data sender = APHL

Increased observability for sender of data

  • Meta data requirements on AIMS side

  • Dex will send list of jurisdictions to Geo for verification

  • DEX is upd

  • Test failure of message?

  • TUS Client update 4.1.0--aims can update


Geo: Not sure we know what the values are for data sender

  • Need coordination of onboarding for data senders, otherwise files will be rejected, but groups may not know programmatic contacts; values are passed along; People supporting data reporting streams,

  • meta_organizations - this file is a list of the distinct meta_organizaion values of senders we receive data from for Covid ELR. Some of them already have "PH" or "PHA" at the end of the string. Do you think that will cause an issue if we append -PHA to the end of each?

  • exported_meta_organizations - this file is a list controlled by the following smartsheet of the valid meta_organization values to export to HHS. This list is curated by the Covid ELR TA team. It was created to control which meta_organization values are approved for production as jurisdictions data was validated by the CELR TA team.

  1. https://app.smartsheet.com/sheets/FFVq7fmV67QRhGgpxGgQjqFpff4GWCJRHM8q7g71?view=grid

  2. This list is used in a WHERE meta_organization in () clause for HHS export.

Notable differences between the two:

  • exported_meta_organizations has two duplicate values. This has no impact on the export, as where in won't duplicate records.

  • Duplicated in exported_meta_organizations sheet: DE, RI

  • meta_organizations has one more jursidiction value included that is not in the exported_meta_organizations list


  • USVI is in the exported_meta_organizations, but USVI_PHA is not.

Dex Questions:

  • For labs, is APHL only receiving CELR data from state public health labs, or are there some local public health labs in this list? They all look to be state level.

  • For the jurisdictions with more than one record

    • DE, RI – you noted those as duplicates; I’m only considering one public health lab per state

    • CA & CA_DPH – looks like one is a public health lab (CA) and one is a public health authority (CA_DPH); is that accurate?

      • USVI & USVI_PHA – confirming one is a public health lab (USVI) and the other is a public health authority (USVI_PHA); correct?



  1. Metadata v2 allowed values restriction for data_stream_id and jurisdiction

  2. Updates on DEX consistent status API endpoint and APHL timeline when it's available

  3. Public Health Lab list provided

DEX Updates: No reported issues for the data reporting for last week

  • CELR: Currently implementing new meta data into pipelines--will be included in next sprint, in process of deploying code into prod environments for processing of data; will be ready to turn on prd environment--will work with DEX team to coordinate



  1. Metadata v2 sender manifest values

  2. Tus client implementation

  3. timelines

Next Steps/Action Items


  • image-20240501-153524.png

    SAMS STG Credentials > DEX DEV & TEST

  • SAMS PRD Credentials > DEV STG & PRD



Action items

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