Looking for a FHIR server to try the hosted LIVD format
Also looking for a tool that converts excel to LIVD format
How to deal with lab results that are needed, but not yet in LIVD?
Should we use excel first to cover the additional cases and to better understand the patterns we will have to cover
would be good to have content for a simple culture and represent the patterns
We need to get vendor participation for this - can we get some hematology examples from Abbott, Sysmex?
Unique device identifier - for test kit and instrument
ideally use FDA device ID of the UDI
we have to ensure we can figure out what we need for the different pattern for each test result to help vendors understand how they can implement it when more than one device identifier is needed - so asking to have this in UCSDI or USCDI+ will be important, to put vendors on notice that this is an element to have support for
On CDC side they saw this data, but not very good data quality - would need to
Inclusion in USDCI does not require actual use, just the HIT system vendors to be able to support the element - this will take a while to be implemented / required (version 3 will be implemented in Jan 2026 - so it is many years down the line before it will be required
need to be sure vendors can support all the testkit identifiers
equipment identifier is at a lower level than the testkit identifier
who is producing the kit and which kit it is
for each result we need to identify what is relevant for understanding the result and how comparable it is to others
this is affected by more attributes, besides the testkit
in PT CAP has been using one identiifer for the method to group results
this is a reference to a specific protocol?
and can this protocol indicate
In LIVD we created an instrument - test kit combination - in PT and in CLIA we have validation of the CLIA test system which combines reagents and instruments
per one package insert there can be more than one instrurment
OO is going to talk about this on the main call this week
there may also be tests where this detail is not needed
Hung will use a PT protocol for hematology and mock that up
Please see the action items at top of this page - Next deliverable is White paper draft by end of this month
And we need to prioritize the use cases, so that we can finalize the requirements for the first phase of LIDR, which need to be included in the White paper
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