7/26/2023 Meeting notes


Jul 26, 2023


  • @Gretl Glick

  • Geo

  • Sam

  • Piotr

  • Laura

  • Vanessa

  • Alissa

  • Joe Kalicki



  • Identify resource needed for CELR>DEX Connection Solution:

    • Development/Testing

    • Ongoing O&M

    • Clarify roles/responsibilities for needs--would this fit under current migration project? Or does this need a dedicated resource as a separate project?

Discussion topics

Agenda Topic


Action Items

Agenda Topic


Action Items

Background & Overview

  • Project Status:

    • CELR DL Migration to CDC Platform

    • 2 main pieces to migration:

      • 1- Capability to process data in Azure at CDC

      • 2-Integration with DEX at CDC Front Door

    • Peraton: Overview of DL Migration Activities:

      • 1-CELR Pipeline-Validation of HL7, CSV for CV19 info into merged Lab Record from both formats

        • 4 major areas: Focus on Pipeline--Key Activities

          • 1-Re-engineer CELR CSV and HL7 Pipelines from Amazon Workspace (AWS) to CDC Azure Cloud. [PERATON OWNER]

          • 2-Splitting pieces: Migrate Ingest, Validation, and Redact functionality for COVID-19 Lab Records submitted to CDC from CELR to Data Exchange (DEX). [PERATON OWNER]

          • 3-Develop transformation and lab result algorithms for Covid-19 Lab Results submitted to CDC [PERATON OWNER]

          • 4-Re-engineer CELR Portal within CDC Azure Cloud [PERATON OWNER]

      • 2: DEX Integration:

        • Consensus Technical Solution: Option 1: SDS (Send to DEX Service) / Upload API

        • Connectivity test successfully completed w/ AIMS & DEX Team

        • In Progress:

          • AIMS: Confirm & identify ongoing operations, resources, support/training for AIMS>DEX, Upload API: Tentative: Late August

          • DEX: Continue internal DEX performance/load testing: Target readiness for Mid August 2023

          • AIMS: Send CELR Production data (n = 24 hours~) to DEX STG Environment: Target: ~August 21, 2023 (will confirm dates as we assess readiness)

          • DEX can accommodate routing and validation of HL7; DEX can accommodate routing of CSV files, but cannot currently validate (dev in progress)

          • Dependency: CELR Migration to CDC Platform


Resource Needs

  • Risk: If CELR is is not complete on CDC platform, then the risk will be that the stress testing will need to be re-done

    • Architecture: Potential re-playability of test data for secondary stress testing

    • Potentially choose day/volume of data to be sent

    • Data metrics: CELR volume, size--geo will be sending; CELR volume reports

    • Historic data migration

  • Development Tasks to Establish/Test Connectivity for CELR>DEX

    • Task: Completed--Option 1 tech solution has been protoyped

      • Does Geo need additional support to complete? Replayability, Infrastructure support

      • Monitoring of DLQ, RE-sending records outside of normal data flow --identify process

      • Observability

      • Meta-Data --apply programmatically to add new use cases

      • Prototype complete/connectivity testing completed (SQS/Lambda)

      • Complete:

        • Architecture

        • Prototype

      • NEED: Team of developers to operationalize process --assign owners and track

      • Requirements--need to be identified for expansion of other use cases

      • Expertise/LOE: Need to identify long-term requirements for future use cases --need dedicated team for requirements gathering

    • Owner

  • Ongoing Operational Support: CELR>DEX

    • Tasks:

    • Owner:

  • Other Use Cases for DEX:

    • Tasks:

    • Owners


Jira Tickets/Development Tasks Documentation



  • CELR--Biweekly call--compiling info on CELR data flow as states stop sending: Target: 7/28/23 to identify states which are still sending/TA needed

  • Requirements Gathering/Operational Process: Could benefit from dedicated team

    • Workload: Leveraging resources for historic knowledge transfer

    • LC: This should be a new project with dedicated resources

  • Determine timelines for DEX Connectivity (CELR, other use cases)


Next Steps/Action Items

  • Assess next steps for resourcing, LOE, skills sets --both from AIMS and APHL

  • Determine funding support


Action items

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