CELR Prod Migration Planning Discussion


Mar 15, 2024








Geo Miller

Erroll Rosser: X


Gretl Glick: X













Discussion topics





DL Migration Updates: EIP+

CELR Migration to Production

  • Targeted for end of month

DEX--Product Updates

  • AIMS>DEX Most dev is done, terraform updates in progress--targeted for end of April

  • Outstanding items:

    • Support documentation and Training

    • Will need production credentials for sending to DEX

    • Aims may not be ready by end of month for training --late May be target in order to complete training

    • Can still send to STG

    • 1 file AIMS sent, aims received success message, but DEX did not actually receive file, attempted to re-play, got another success message, but was not received; re-initiated with entirely new id…

    • Only 1 file identified, on AIMS side cannot determine if file is persisted on DEX side <<this is biggest blocker on AIMS side

    • Was identified through manual cross-checks, not sustainable long-term

    • Need to potentially brainstorm solution

      • Cosmin:

        • Onboarding to SAMS prod--can send invitation--1-2 days

        • Not sure about the ongoing issue--Anthony is investigating, reviewing logs to determine what happened

    • Geo: Root cause is unknown, open to developing solution to automatically detect and replay, building some way to doublecheck that everything was indeed uploaded outside if TUS protocol

      • CDC: Have not planned to build new development to send ACK outside TUS protocol

    • Dex ready to go live by end of April, AIMS would be ready to go live by May

  • Erroll: Currently doing UAT with CELR--Targeted completion by 4/15, 1 issue identified

    • Few portal deployments updates, displaying data

    • Going through reconciliation tests and parallel test--identified discrepancy of about 22 million records out of 5 billion (discrepancy in processing data after data is received to HHS protect and DCIPHER--SO HISTORIC DATA)--trying to determine delta, and will be discussing with programs as to how to handle

    • Going through security checks, and through ORR

    • As of right now, still a go, but some risks, could be ready by end of month

    • kind of yellow, dependent on discrepancy and security

    • Is not asking APHL to send historic data

  • Target deadline: Concern about May prod date? Erroll: CELR contract ends at end of April so will need to discuss with programs

  • Current feed to CELR on AIMS would be maintained, potentially 1-2 weeks of parallel processing to DEX Production, then would turn off CELR feed on AIMS

    • Would need to go through same decommissioning process for CELR

  • DEX: Will plan to go into production by end of April 2024 (will need to address ACK/missing file)

  • Geo: Currently credentials are tied specifically to SAMs, but are there system credentials which could be provided?

  • Next steps:

    • Checkpoint- Anthony to schedule meeting for Thursdays at 11am ET




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