InterPartner Technical Assistance Overview

InterPartner Technical Assistance Overview

ELR Technical Assistance - InterPartner Data Exchange

ELR Technical Assistance - InterPartner Data Exchange

What is InterPartner Data Exchange?

InterPartner Data Exchange is an interstate-style message file naming format that allows for sending and receiving messages between any two trading partners on the AIMS platform, not just states. This filename structure is fixed, rigid, and endures validation. The first InterPartner message transfer was completed in November 2019. From January 1st, 2020 through October 31st, 2020, almost 7.5 million InterPartner files have passed through AIMS.

As part of an overall mission to increase AIMS trading partners’ self-reliance, this message format was designed to allow a trading partner to add additional use cases once they have been initiated by AIMS support the first time. AIMS trading partner to exchange data with virtually any other AIMS trading partner, regardless of the sender’s or receiver’s transport mechanism.

The InterPartner filename is a great way to simplify sending and receiving files with AIMS. Trading Partners should find that the number connections with AIMS will decrease, which should save money and time. This document describes the InterPartner filename format and how to use it with PHINMS, SFTP, and Amazon S3.

How to set up an InterPartner Data Exchange

File Naming

To assist in the ease of transmitting messages to new partners, the file naming convention is as follows:


● InterPartner is a fixed/static string that indicates to the AIMS Platform that this is a file that should be processed using the Interstate transport/routing mechanisms. ○ You will need to begin each message with this string

● ~ is the tilde character, a fixed/static delimiter for the fields in the Interstate filename structure. ○ You will need to place a tilde between each field

● is the Use Case for which this file is being transported. An example of this use case is “ELR”. 2 InterPartner~~~~~~~STOP~

● <UC> is the Sending Jurisdiction from which this file is being sent. If the file is sent from VA the Sending Jurisdiction value will be “VA”. Only valid Sending Jurisdiction values will be accepted. The value in this location has to match the identifier of the jurisdiction sending the data template to import which will make it easier to do encryption or decryption (LDAP, public cert, etc) for PHLIP to CDC. Other options available. ○ Contact the AIMS Platform if you are uncertain what the valid values are.

● is the Receiving Jurisdiction from which this file is being sent. If the file is sent to DC the Receiving Jurisdiction value will be “DC”. Only valid Receiving Jurisdiction values will be accepted.

○ Contact the AIMS Platform if you are uncertain what the valid values are.

● is the Sending Environment from which the file is being sent. If the file is sent from the production environment the value will be “Prod”. Only “Test” and “Prod” are currently accepted. Please contact the AIMS Platform if you need additional options.

● is the Receiving Environment to which the file is being sent. If the file is sent to the production environment the value will be “Prod”. Only “Test” and “Prod” are currently accepted. Please contact the AIMS Platform if you need additional options.

● is the timestamp of the file transmission. This is in the format: yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS

● STOP is the literal strong STOP that allows the AIMS Platform to check that all fields up to this point seem to be in good order. ○ More information on validation and error handling can be found in the section titled, “Error Handling (on AIMS)”

● is the Sender Original Filename. This is the original filename on the sender side before transmission. An example of sending an ELR message titled ‘ELRMessage_1234.hl7’ from NJ Test environment to PA Test environment on October 18th, 2019:


Sending Files


Receiving Files

When the file is received by the recipient in the appropriate environment, they are able to use the filename to determine:

● That this is an InterPartner message

● What use case this message is for

● Who sent the message to them

● What environment it came from

● What environment it was targeted for

● When it was sent

● What the filename of the sender was before transport

Negotiating Transport Parameters

Now that you have been onboarded as an InterPartner partner and are ready to send and receive messages with any other partner, you will need to determine who you want to exchange with and how. Once you have been onboarded, you can exchange messages with any other onboarded jurisdiction. If you want to exchange messages with one of the already onboarded jurisdictions, you will follow the following procedure. If you want to exchange messages with a jurisdiction that has not yet been onboarded as a partner, you will submit an InterPartner service request to the AIMS Platform. A representative from your jurisdiction will need to look up the contact information of your desired exchange partner and set up a call with that contact to discuss and agree upon the following (more information on each to follow):

● What use case value each partner will allow (in other words, what types of messages you want to send)

● What the naming convention of the specific files will be (the portion in the File Naming section)

● What environment you will each be sending from, and which environment you would each like to receive into (either Test or Prod)

● What level and type of encryption, or whether to use encryption. The encryption used by the sender must match the decryption used by the receiver; however, the type itself does not matter to AIMS beyond that.


This section is meant to help guide the conversation between you and your intended trading partner. If you have questions about this conversation, open a ticket with AIMS support by sending an email to support@aimsplatform.com.

Major Partners and Supported Use Cases


The CDC is a major partner of the InterPartner initiative. Since the CDC is already onboarded, you can send messages to the CDC once you are onboarded for a specific set of use cases.


The AIMS Platform is a major partner of the InterPartner initiative. Since the AIMS Platform is already onboarded, you can send messages to the AIMS Platform once you are onboarded for a specific set of use cases.

Error Handling (on AIMS)

When sending a file, The AIMS Platform will receive the message and internally, AIMS will automatically validate that:

● The sender is in fact the sender specified in the filename

● The recipient is in fact a recipient that is onboarded on the AIMS Platform

● The environment values used exactly match the allowed values

● The use case specified is allowed by the recipient (this can be done for some recipients)

The way validation works for InterPartner is that the platform reviews the first 7 fields in the filename once it reads the STOP indicator. If the structure does not parse, or if the fields do not contain valid values, the interface will error and the AIMS Platform Interface team will consult with the sending jurisdiction via the Help Desk to rectify the issue. In other words, you will receive an email from AIMS Support if there is a problem with your transmission.

Note: AIMS has a dynamic dashboard to view not only trading partners, but also message flow.


Documentation and Links

InterPartner Dashboard - external view