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Project Snapshot |
Project Overview |
APHL Informatics with funding and collaborative expertise from CDC Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion (DHQP) is developing information system solutions in support of the Global Action in Healthcare Network (GAIHN). GAIHN is a global collaborative network consisting of countries, institutions, and partners at global, regional, national, and subnational levels instituted by the CDC. These constituents work together to address emerging threats in healthcare settings through rapid detection and response. GAIHN addresses these emerging threats through two modules:
GAIHN HAI acts to detect and prevent HAIs within healthcare systems to provide safe health care and protect patients, staff and visitors. Globally, point prevalence surveys (PPS) provide a useful snapshot of HAI in hospital and other healthcare facilities. APHL in conjunction with its contract with Deloitte initiated a stakeholder analysis and requirements gathering in Indonesia, Philippines, Jordan and Brazil to identify or develop a data management software solution for PPS of HAI and antimicrobial use. The GAIHN AR module seeks to prevent and contain the spread of highly resistant organisms in healthcare systems to improve patient safety, reduce the burden of AR, and contain spread of rare and novel AR before it becomes endemic. The focus of APHL’s work in support of GAIHN AR informatics solutions is under development. GAIHN also works collaboratively through its AR module with CDC’s Global AR Lab & Response Network to address priority AR healthcare pathogens. Project sponsor GAIHN-HAI: CDC/DHQP: Rachel Smith, Matthew Westercamp, Emily Peterson MD, Reed Magleby Project sponsor GAIHN-AR: CDC/DHQP: Fernanda Lessa, Olivia McGovern, Jamine Weiss, Paul Malpiedi Project lead: Paul Jankauskas Project manager: Kate Beagle
High-Level Priorities |
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Project Documentation |
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