Policy & Standards Workgroups

Policy & Standards Workgroups

APHL participates and monitors the work of many agencies, non-government organizations (NGOs), and standards development organizations (SDOs). APHL staff and members chair and attend many of the workgroups, communities of practice, and committees that are organized by these agencies, NGOs and SDOs. This active engagement ensures that PHLs are aware of conversations and decisions that could affect their laboratories; it also ensures that the needs and interests of PHLs are represented in these discussions.

Below is a sampling of these groups. Attendance and participation will vary over time and may depend on how the activity, goals, and priorities of each group align with those of APHL Informatics and the PHL community. As needed, APHL Informatics contributes to these discussions and provides feedback on draft position statements, implementation guides, and other policy and standards working documents.

For more information on APHL’s work with any of these initiatives and groups, please contact informatics@aphl.org. HL7 FHIR Public Health Accelerator

In addition to the groups listed in the table below, see the list of informatics communities assembled in February 2025 by the CDC Foundation: