

Update on the SNOMED meetings:

o   John has reached out to Suzy and Jim follow up meeting scheduled with Riki and Greg for next week

o   Analysis of SARAS-CoV-2 SNOMED CT terms used compared to GPS terms

Working through edits on section 5:

o   Assigning LOINC

§  LIVD has to have unique identifier for the test kit = analyte + instrument – that way the same test can be found every time – and then it can be included in aggregated data

§  Paragraph from Scott: Data standards used currently in the US to encode laboratory data are helpful but do not carry the level of detail necessary to unambiguously compare and interpret laboratory data performed on differing devices or with different testing kits.  Substantial amounts of medical informatics literature demonstrate the inconsistency of use of these data standards.  However, clinical information systems software developers and hospital systems analysts with limited healthcare or laboratory knowledge rely on these coarse data elements to align and/or aggregate laboratory data and inadvertently propagate tenuous data in US healthcare institutions.  In the absence of authoritative sources of truth, laboratorians, systems analysts and software vendors are left to their own devices to manage laboratory data in the electronic environment.  This is the same process that preceded the ongoing data crisis experienced during the pandemic.

o   Paragraph from Ana and Jack:

§  This is addressed via the harmonization index in another section – this does not belong here; discussed the Creatinine use case – showing that harmonization has occurred does belong into the LIDR ass an indicator

o   Renaming the section to Expanding LIVD to LIDR (or something like that)

o   Suggest considering LIDR a stepping stone /pattern to ensure we have structured data and creating a systematic approach to define minimal and optional data elements outside of lab data (medications, conditions etc.) to support consistent implementation into EHR-s

o   If folks have suggestions on how to create a higher level paragraph to describe the LIDR strategy and then we can move all this detail to an appendix

§  We need to have the detail in the document as support for budgets and timeline

o   List of data elements is separated into elements that are needed on the instance data and data that is in the LIDR reference file

§  Discussion around having too many name elements – need to review and may need to create name specific for instrument vs test kit (and compare against the vendor analyte name (what is the analyte name – detail enough to pick the right LOINC vs searching for SARS-CpV-2 tests (any) – may need to create some of these as metadata / synonyms

o   Highlight implementation considerations – this is where we identify the feedback loop


Review Section 5 and

  • Suggest higher level text if desired for the strategies

  • Review the details (and provide opinion, if these should be in the appendix instead) and add anything we have missed

  • Add timeframe or budget suggestions for each of the identified actions, if you know that

