2023-12-19 ALL SHIELD Meeting Notes


Dec 19, 2023


Agenda and Notes




·       Andrea Pitkus 12:13 PM

o   It was good to educate about SHIELD, and learn about the other Collaborative Communities to understand where there may be synergies

·       Andrea Pitkus  to  Everyone 12:14 PM

o   https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2023/12/14/hhs-releases-new-data-strategy-enhance-data-capabilities-accelerate-progress-cancer-moonshot-goals.html


o   Here's the link to the SHIELD page on HTI-1 with SHIELD's comments and others at the bottom

·       Andrea Pitkus 12:21 PM

o   Discussions have been great with a variety of perspectives

·       Steve 12:25 PM

o   I did email Robert Michel about a potential presentation at the Executive War College. He hasn't replied so I have just chased it up.

·       Andrea Pitkus  to  Everyone 12:26 PM

o   Thanks for the update, Steve!

o   If there are any other conferences with interest about SHIELD, please let Eric or us know.

·       Eric Crugnale 12:30 PM

o   Thanks Steve!

·       Steve 12:31 PM

o   Depending on the target audience you're trying to reach, you may also want to investigate if it is an opportunity to engage https://www.compassgrouplab.org/

oThis is a group of some of the largest hospital system labs in the country where their System Lab leaders come together. They do webinars and in-person meetings.

·       SZARFMAN 12:36 PM

o   Consider also to present to the FDA Scientific Computing Board (SCB) Meeting

·       Pam Banning - 3M Health Info Systems 12:43 PM

o   Thank you Everyone!! Happy New Year

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