Interpartner Connection Instructions: No APHL Coordination Assistance

Interpartner Connection Instructions: No APHL Coordination Assistance

Process Name

Interpartner Connection Process Outside of APHL and AIMS

Revision #


Process Name

Interpartner Connection Process Outside of APHL and AIMS

Revision #


Process #


Implementation Date


Process Status

Full Process

Last Update Date


Process Owner

@Raymond Lewis

Approved By:




Approval Date:



Purpose: To provide jurisdictions with direction for starting the Interpartner process without hands on assistance and coordination from the APHL TA team.

Challenge: Documentation, Communication, etc.



Purpose: To provide jurisdictions with direction for starting the Interpartner process without hands on assistance and coordination from the APHL TA team.

Challenge: Documentation, Communication, etc.


Process Detail

For hands on assistance with the InterPartner ELR process, we strongly advise jurisdictions to submit an ELRTA/Interpartner request through our ELRTA Technical Request form at Technical Assistance Request Form (smartsheet.com)

However, for jurisdictions that are experienced with InterPartner ELR (i.e., have successfully completed at least one InterPartner connection), we have developed a process for jurisdictions to engage with one another without direct coordination support from the APHL TA team. Below are the recommended steps to ensure a successful Interpartner engagement for this scenario.

Although these steps may be completed without APHL coordination, we do ask that you create and track all progress on via our request form for our awareness.

Step #

Who Performs



Step #

Who Performs





Review the Interpartner Dashboard at

  • States should review the Interpartner dashboard to verify if they are ready to begin the process



Once a state is identified, select the contact directory link.

This contact directory can be found within the Helpful links widget located within the Interpartner Dashboard. See below for illustration



Review the states contact(s). Review this information and contact the individuals listed.




Once the contact(s) have been identified and the jurisdictions has agreed to sharing data, the PM can schedule a formal kickoff meeting.

The kick off call should cover the following topics:

  • Coordinate which Use Cases you want to exchange

  • Verify your routes/folders are all set up how you need them and that you are comfortable with the InterPartner file naming structure

  • Provide details on encryption requirements and agree on encryption (if applicable)

  • Plan test connectivity testing



Once the kickoff is scheduled, one of the states/jurisdictions should send a request to the APHL Technical Assistance form located at Technical Assistance Request Form (smartsheet.com)

The state(s) will submit a Cross Jurisdictional Data Exchange (Interpartner) request on behalf of both teams.

The submitter will advise within both the “request description” and “Interpartner status” sections of the form, the kickoff completion date, status of request, and estimated timeline for completion. (See illustration below for details)



Updates internal tracker and dashboard to reflect the information submitted.




Once the process is successfully completed, email the Interpartner PM to advise of the completion.

The Interpartner PM is Raymond Lewis. You can email him at rlewis@jmichael-consulting.com

States should advise if the process is completed both successfully and unsuccessfully.



Receives completion email and updates both the internal tracker and dashboard to reflect completion.


Step 2 Illustration

Step 5 Illustration