APHL Check In Agenda 7.12.22
GAIHN-HAI – Deloitte/APHL Check-in Agenda and Notes
Updates and Questions:
APHL Week: July 18th
Project Planning:
Project Plan
Implementing partner kickoff
Second meeting with IP plus HAI network coordinators
Begin meeting with in-country partners/facilities
We’ve incorporated a rolling basis approach to conduct the interviews
Interview Assessment:
Currently working on developing questions. Expect to have a first draft next week.
Communications and Meeting Invite
Question for Paul: Who is sending the initial introduction email to implementing partners? (CDC or APHL?)
Question for Paul: Do you have a preference on who owns the Implementing Partner kickoff meeting invite? CDC or APHL?
Year 2: Point Prevalence Survey
Michelle mentioned in an earlier call regarding the change in focus from year 1 (Covid-focused) to year 2 (PPS-focused), as year 2 begins in October
Question for Paul: Do you have a copy of the work plans for year 2 from the countries or partners? Want to have broader understanding of what they agreed to.
Plan to develop questions for the implementing partner kickoff based on the YR2 PPS.
Question for Paul: It would be useful to have a walkthrough of the ECDC live in action – is that something which can be arranged?
Implementing Partner Kickoff Deck Review:
Initial kickoff meeting with all implementing partners
Question for Paul: Who is the audience for this call? How technical are the folks who would be joining the call?
Question for Paul: Any specific questions that you want to include in the kickoff deck?
Discuss content and timeline for kickoffs
Timeline for kickoff intros - ~ Week of July 25th
In-country interviews begin in August
Confluence Utilization:
Moving forward we would like to utilize Confluence for meeting agendas/notes
Question for Paul: Is there an APHL resource you would like us to meet with to start developing the Confluence site you sent us?
Scheduled Meetings:
July 14th – CDC / APHL / Deloitte Weekly Meeting
We would like to have a monthly meeting with APHL (including Michelle) to ensure alignment on the scope and project plan
Plan to update one meeting per month to include Michelle and discuss this topic
Upcoming Priorities:
Have a draft of the Implementing Partner Kickoff deck ready to present to CDC on July 14th
Begin drafting interview assessment questions for facilities interviews
Send finalized introductory communication emails implementing partners
Deloitte team to reschedule different day for weekly meeting week of July 18th
Reminder for Michelle to send concept notes mentioned at kick-off call
Project Plan:
We might need to have 2-3 calls with HAI coordinators before speaking with facilities
We are planning to have two different IP kickoffs – HSP and CRDF
We should ask CDC if we should have 2 or 4 (per country) kickoffs
Communications (get confirmation with CDC on these)
CDC will be sending out intro emails to IP’s, sent to CDC for review.
IP kickoff meeting invite can be sent by APHL unless CDC wants to
Paul has APHL workplans for Y2 PPS but not from countries –
We will ask CDC if they have more specifics on Y2 PPS information
Our team needs a broader understanding of IP’s responsibility
Our focus is software, development, and training of the software – IP will be focused on gathering data and training on which information needs to be collected
IT Software aspects and actual PPS aspects
Live Walkthrough of ECDC – paul has not seen it live either, he recommends asking matt so we can connect with ECDC (better to be open about what we are doing),
We should review PPS protocol manual and Software user manual
Implementing Partner Kickoff:
Paul is available 28th and 29th for IP kickoffs or beginning of August
Tentative Implementing Partner Kickoff for July 28th: Confirm CDC availability
Gathering Requirements
Our plan is to crosswalk the ECDC protocol with CDC existing requirements
Trying to focus on users and making sure we’re meeting requirements with a usability lens and a technical lens
Potentially doing interviews/cases with people who are using the system (nurses in the pneumonia example), maybe only go in depth in one of the two facilities
Similar rolling interview design that Matt explained on 7/7
APHL resource Rachel Shepard will meet with our team next week to determine document sharing/agendas on confluence