Public Policy / Informatics Checkpoints
Dec 6, 2024
Mel, Vanessa, Michelle
Peter, Mandy
Mel will be working with Vanessa
Conferences & Meetings
ASTP ONC Annual Meeting
December 4-5, 2024 in DC
Public Health was a hot topic; Michelle was a plenary speaker; OPHDST was well-represented, as were FDA, CMS, VHA, and HRSA
Other key themes: TEFCA, USCDI+, AI
Meeting was done well; it is a forum to communicate current projects, successes, etc.
Michelle had many networking meetings
The drive towards policy in the informatics world has been very strong
Frustration that we can’t all meet that level of preparedness that is cited in the rules
APHL can be seen as the efficiency that is helping HHS meet public health goals
Cautiously optimistic on AIMS persistence
Stanford Healthcare quote “I’m a huge APHL fan.”
Abigail Viall from ASTP - big proponent of public health and of AIMS (Desiree’s influence?)
Sara Armson from ASTP is responsible for the report - could stem from the congressional hearing
TEFCA Milestone repeated multiple times: eCR flowing (no mention of AIMS)
Congressional report on Laboratory Data - expected to be released “soon”
JPHIT in-person meeting
December 3, 2024 in DC
“What is JPHIT?” It has to be collaborative, with action by all agencies
Ready-made governance structure for AIMS, but more likely as a governance model
JPHIT is not ready
Discussions/ideas: eHealth Exchange, other non-profit Healthcare orgs could join to help manage the platform??
If AIMS = Public Health Intermediary, APHL will receive Public Health Authority; will reduce liability issues
JPHIT had advocacy workgroup at one point; it was folded into “Federal Priorities and Advocacy” (VH’s group), but may need new separate group again in 2025 to focus on public policy
eHealth Exchange Annual Meeting
December 10, 2024 in Nashville, TN
Michelle will be a plenary speaker
TEFCA QHIN meeting
IHS announced at ASTP meeting that they will use eHealth Exchange as QHIN
APHL will be meeting with eHealth Exchange and with implementation center organizers (ASTHO)
Sequoia - RCE - non-profit arm of eHealth Exchange
Informatics Committee Meeting in February 2025
Feb 11-13, 2025 in APHL HQ
Mandy and Peter are invited
HIMSS Global Conference
Public Health Preconference Forum on March 3, 2025 in Las Vegas, NV
Limited scholarships available for public health attendees
Interoperability Showcase is $60K
APHL can support 3 members
AMIA 2025 Symposium
November 15-19, 2025 in Atlanta, GA
Theme: Modernizing Public Health Data and Information Systems
Brian Dixon AMIA
AMIA is more academic than HIMSS
Other Topics
OPHDST Collaboration
Peter needs Basic Descriptions of the work that APHL Informatics does
Learn-to-read level
What happens if the work is not done?
APHL Success Stories update?
Indvidual success stories
NBS ETOR story would be good
$$$ spent on goods and services - economic impact of public health initiatives
Michelle promised to provide spreadsheets, estimates
Software, hardware, consulting services
AIMS Service Discussion
All data flowing on AIMS has some kind of lab component except IZ Gateway
PPRL linkages, e.g.
Not every service directly benefits APHL members, but there is a tangential benefit
AIMS is built to move data and for surveillance
APHL members need help around managing data, but not all of that can be done as shared service
What’s next if AIMS = intermediary
“legacy AIMS” has to evolve
Monitor, maintain support existing services (program level)
Build new technology at collaborative level across agencies and organization, not at a project level
Utility not a tool
ETOR technology foundation can be used in many use cases
It shouldn’t be competitive; it’s a public health resource; there shouldn’t be a mindset that other agencies are simply going to be build something better than AIMS
Who owns New AIMS?
APHL will own the technology / IP - central coordinating entity
Gateway to public health
It is a separate nonprofit entity like an FFRDC
Pieces that are critical infrastructure
APHL will be contributor to the FFRDC
Pull out of CoAg, supported under a different model
2-yr NCE to get us through 2026; limit requests for new $$ temporarily
Who creates the non-profit?
APHL would lead; in discussions with Troy
FFRDC would require support from CDC / HHS
Critical: PH has trust in APHL leadership with regard to data security and privacy
APHL has a track record of safeguarding state data
CDC-F argument - WAI - Is there funding available for informatics bridge work?
Peter’s updates
December budget resolution deadline is the first priority for congress
Interest in adding language to CRM to limit/eliminate impoundment
Broader issue in re: impoundment - litigation by state/local gov’ts that want the money earmarked for them
President has 45 days to submit explanation to Congress if admin doesn’t want to spend money
OMB has to apportion $ to agencies - ability to include footnote with requirements
Increasing communication channels with partners
Professional judgment budget - federal agencies can create documents to explain what they would do with bigger budgets
Report Stream future
There are a lot of teams that are working on Report Stream
USDS that built RS are out of CDC now - they were CDC FTE
The system and tools that were built on RS will transfer to AIMS if they are deemed valid and useful by the PH Community
CDC will need to decide if they are going to defund that contract mechanism
Pitch to Jen Leyden - if they’re good and believe in PH mission, they could develop tools and resources for AIMS - would require workstyle alignment
Draft Rules & Policies & Standards
Policy Engagement Confluence Space
Live, available as public URL
Policies & Rules Released for Comment - Policy Engagement - Confluence
Will officially launch on upcoming community calls
ASTP Draft FHIR Action Plan - APHL submitted comments on 11/25/24 - list of FHIR implementation guides and their relative maturity
ASTP released more USCDI+ data set for public comment - cancer use cases and respiratory illness (clinical trials); APHL reviewed and did not comment
TEFCA - Two more public health sub XPs are expected in 2025 (Case notifications and …)
Action Items
On the Backburner
Expect more USCDI+ data sets