2023-11-20 LIDR WG Meeting Notes


Nov 20, 2023


Bolded names were present





Hung Luu


Riki Merrick

Vernetzt, APHL

Andrea Pitkus


Pam Banning


Xavier Gansel


Amy McCormick


Dan Rutz


Rob Rae


Rob Hausam

Hausam Consulting

Sandy Jones


Stan Huff


Ed Heierman

Abbott / IICC

Andrew Quinn


Laurent Lardin


Anthony Killeen


Craig Collom


Marti Velezis

 Sonrisa / FDA

Walter Sujansky


Susan Downer


Ralf Herzog


Cornelia Felder


Daniel Golson


Andrea Prada


Maria Sagat


Agenda and Notes





Reviewing minutes from the last call - Action Item Follow up

How can we start doing some actual work?


Have draft budget (for setting up a web-based database and yearly maintenance): https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/915407143/LIDR - Budget.xlsx?api=v2

  • Set up googlesheet to collect the data: Potassium Analyzers

    • Plan is to work on the serum based Potassium tests first, add spot urine and then deal with timed samples after that

    • For the mapping it wold be good to include a date mapped (we do have “Publication Version”, but that is not always providing the date) - add column to capture Mapping Date

Solidify Requirements for inclusion in the White Paper

  • Review the and prioritize them

    • Please sign up to lead one of these use cases

    • Discussion around PH Use Case:

      • Riki was approached by PHAs to consider crowdsourcing the creation of a LIVD file for reportable conditions

      • manufacturer should be the source of truth

      • for manufacturers that are not providing content other should be able to add their test to LIDR

        • add a column to indicate who provided the input

      • We should be sure that only reviewed content is published - otherwise this will not be authoritative

        • add a column to indicate if mapping was reviewed - by committee and by manufacturer

      • some LOINCs may not be used specifically in the US, but if results from non-US testing are reported, then the appropriate LOINC should be used

      • Desire by PH to have just a single LOINC is counterproductive to the desire to have the most granular LOINC mapped for a test in the clinical space - so that;s what we MUST support

      • Do we include a mapping of the test to the relevant clinical condition if it is reportable?

        • PH already has these tools:

          • Reportable Condition Mapping Tables (RCMT) - mapps each LOINC to a reportable condition and each SNOMED CT code to a reportable condition - was maintained by CDC, not sure if still updating

          • Reportable Condition Triger Codes (RCTC) - map LOINC, SNOMED CT, RXNorm and ICD codes to reportable conditions - maintained by CSTE

          • Reportable Condition Knowledge Management (RCKMS) - provides the rules for each jurisdiction for both case reporting (eCR) and lab reporting (ELR) for instance reporting determination based on CDA transmissions, so currently ONLY eCR - maintained by CSTE

        • Not every entry would have this, so not ideal and also a duplication of tooling / effort, so not a good data element to add

  • Set deliverables and milestone dates

    • White Paper - outline with content stubbed in by end of Dec 2023

      • Publish White Paper Q1 of 2024

      • Journal Articles pointing to White Paper Q2 2024

  • LIDR has 2 apsects

    • technical

    • content - see discussion about this part above

LOINC - SNOMED Collaboration

  • The SNOMED extenstion which will represent LOINCs can be helpful in sorting through LIDR entries, Stan could make presentation - suggest as a topic for the SHIELD call #2 Special Topic call

Next Steps

Next call

Monday 11/27/2023 9 - 10 AM ET


10:03 AM ET


https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/2138342436/LIDR Workgroup 11-20-23 Chat.txt?api=v2


https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/2138342436/Video 11-20-2023.zip?api=v2

Action items

Quick decisions not requiring context or tracking

For quick, smaller decisions that do not require extra context or formal tracking, use the “Add a decision…” function here.

Decisions requiring context or tracking

For decisions that require more context (e.g., documentation of discussion, options considered) and/or tracking, use the decision template to capture more information.