
Sep 27, 2023


  • Nick Decker

  • Xavier Gansel

  • Gyan Penrose-Kafka

  • Rebecca McNall

  • Hubert Vesper

  • Excused: Robert Rae, Yue Jin


  • Review white paper outline

  • Nominate colleagues for leading specific sections + discuss next phase

Discussion topics





Proposed OUTLINE:

Intro (what is SHIELD, how did we get here)

<Use intro from Community Roadmap executive summary)

IVD Data Hub Vision (What is it? why does it matter? why now?) (Nick & Hubert)

  • start with text from Community Roadmap

  • Research other repositories (e.g. Cancer Registries)

  • Highlight efforts ex-US (e.g. UK, Israel, EHDS, …)

Envisioned baseline requirements (Xavier & Marti)

  • improved data quality from knowledge mgmt tools (e.g. delivery of LIDR, etc)

  • Robust / appropriate standardization for things like UDI format for transmission from Mfg Instrument to LIS → Additional standards, solutions needed from HL7

  • Others…

Envisioned use cases for IVD Data Hub LINK

  • Broaden description beyond EUA transitions

  • Instrumentation and Ancillaries

  • Public Health Reporting (Rob)

  • Research & Innovation

  • infrastructure

Dependencies (Yue & Rob) → Xavier / Marti will provide input based on requirements

How to get involved

Other resources that may be available from outside SHIELD (e.g. MDIC)



Next meeting - Nick cannot attend,

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