2023-11-28 ALL SHIELD Meeting Notes


Agenda and Notes:

Reference documents:


From Chat:

·       Andrea Pitkus 12:13 PM

o   Along these lines, some US Core FHIR Examples are missing the actual laboratory test name, representing the lab order or results with a "code" which is based on the LOINC Short Name description.  Need to comment again to fix these

o   Anything about quality of data used by AI/ML?

o   Walter, interested if you can share the citations?

·       Alana Keller  to  Everyone 12:26 PM

o   Keith presented on a panel at AMIA regarding AI and terminology.

·       Nathan Davis  to  Everyone 12:28 PM

o   Need to drop for another call.  Thanks all!

·       Andrea Pitkus  to  Everyone 12:32 PM

o   they also listed a single LOINC for their D-dimer

o   https://www.testmenu.com/nebraska/Tests/277430

o   ACL labs.  Good idea

·       John Snyder (NLM)  to  Everyone 12:35 PM

o   Sorry, I have to step away for another appointment.

·       Pam Banning - 3M Health Info Systems  to  Everyone 12:37 PM

o   See the ellipsis > attachments portion of https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SC/pages/2143815065   to see example documents

·       Andrea Pitkus  to  Everyone 12:38 PM

o   we talked about whether to convert values, but agreed not a good practice

·       Jenna Rychert 12:39 PM

o   there is some good literature on d-dimer issues like this