2023-11-06 LIDR WG Meeting Notes


Nov 6, 2023


Bolded names were present



Hung Luu


Riki Merrick

Vernetzt, APHL

Andrea Pitkus


Pam Banning


Xavier Gansel


Amy McCormick


Dan Rutz


Rob Rae


Rob Hausam

Hausam Consulting

Sandy Jones


Stan Huff


Ed Heierman

Abbott / IICC

Andrew Quinn


Laurent Lardin


Anthony Killeen


Craig Collom


Marti Velezis

 Sonrisa / FDA

Walter Sujansky


Susan Downer


Ralf Herzog


Cornelia Felder


Daniel Golson


Andrea Prada


Maria Sagat


Agenda and Notes



Reviewing minutes from the last call - Action Item Follow up

How can we start doing some actual work?

Have https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SLC/pages/915407143

Have draft budget (for setting up a web-based database and yearly maintenance): https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/915407143/LIDR - Budget.xlsx?api=v2

  • Set up googlesheet to collect the data: Potassium Analyzers

  • Pam collected these:

    • Roche

    • Abbott

    • Siemens

  • No K+ Analyzers:

    • BD

    • Hologic

    • Biomerieux

    • Cepheid

    • Thermo Fisher

  • During the call we migrated all LIVD content we had into the googlesheet - discussion:

    • Updated LOINC Longname for Roche urine test (green field)

    • added sort column

    • sorted by system

    • added column for Vendor Method, which we hope to be able to use to identify tests that could be harmonized

    • added column for Harmonization indicator

    • What about different clinical context like collection over time or challenge tests?

      • recommendation is for the LIS to add the clinical context - it has it based on the ordered test, IVD will not have that

      • should the IVD sent the LOINC for single point in time / no challenge or NOT send a LOINC?

        • might be easy to say now, IVD send LOINC every time, but there is a risk that LIS does NOT overwrite based on clinical context

        • so better for IVD to not send LOINC, for any test with clinical context

        • add a column to alert LOINC review by LIS needed in LIDR

        • what if over time (IVDs are used for 10+ years) a test that didn’t have clinical context now has it - IVD would have to update LOINC sending behavior; Labs would have to re-review LIVD and update their mapping - not sure that would happen predictably, so might end up with incorrect LOINCs over time

        • IVD can always send analyte code (vendor local code), IVD can send LOINC if all clinical context is known

  • Plan is to work on the serum based Potassium tests first, add spot urine and then deal with timed samples after that

  • Question: Are IVD vendors expected to provide ALL POSSIBLE LOINCs for their test in the LIVD file?

    • IVD vendors should match what the package insert says, no more, no less

Next Steps

  • Find IFUs for all the Potassium related FDA approved tests

  • Review and add Vendor Method for all tests in our googlesheet

Next call

Monday 11/13/2023 9 - 10 AM ET


10:02 AM ET


https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/2120089609/Chat - LIDR Committee 11-6-2023.txt?api=v2


https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/2120089609/LIDR Meeting 11-6-2023.zip?api=v2

Action items

Quick decisions not requiring context or tracking

For quick, smaller decisions that do not require extra context or formal tracking, use the “Add a decision…” function here.

  • IVD vendors should provide ALL POSSIBLE LOINCs for their test according to what the package insert says, no more, no less!

Decisions requiring context or tracking

For decisions that require more context (e.g., documentation of discussion, options considered) and/or tracking, use the decision template to capture more information.

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