
Feb 22, 2024


  • Xavier Gansel

  • Marti James

  • Rob Rae

  • Gyan Penrose-Kafka

  • Nick Decker


  • Callout for additional members of our WG

    • Maybe just a callout in our March 26 All SHIELD call – Would want to be clear about what we need from any future participants.

      • We are interested in more perspectives. Where has RWD been used for some of these use cases (e.g. regulatory decision making, etc)

      • Also interested to understand all of the other work that’s going on in this space. e.g. NEST → Agreed that we should include research in white paper about other ongoing efforts in the space of data repositories for collection and use of RWD/E

  • Prepping for March 26 All SHIELD

    • Agreed with R.Merrick that we would reserve some time on March 26 to provide an update for our WG

    • Slides will be provided to WG by March 7

    • We will use our March 21 meeting to work on final prep for the presentation

    • Advise to WG to meet offline to get some work done as needed.

  • Feedback from ONC on Roadmap (see SHIELD SteerCo minutes 2/6.

    • Nick connected with S.Armson regarding feedback - intent is not to shift focus / scope of WG, but rather to update Exec.Summary page to connect IVD Data Hub as an effort toward a broader vision of making quality data available for secondary use.

    • We’ll start working on re-drafting this piece of the executive summary as a WG and will send to S.Armson for review, prior to publishing.

Action items

Nick to start re-draft of executive summary per ONC Feedback
Prep slide deck for March 26 All SHIELD discussion on IVD Data Hub work to date and path forward (Nick will start and share)
Update outline for WhitePaper to include other efforts going on related to data repositories for RWD/E
Initiate document draft for white paper

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