2024-10-31 Meeting minutes updates


Oct 31, 2024



  • Nick Decker

  • Muktha Natrajan

  • Gyan Penrose-Kafka

  • Rob Rae

  • Yue Jin

  • Xavier Gansel

  • Rebecca McNall

Discussion topics

  • Discuss status of conversations with Truveta & potential next steps

    • Discussed the possibility of establishing a case study / prototype with Truveta during MDIC Annual Public Forum in September.

      • Truveta has a network of >30 health systems and touts regulatory-grade data (structured and unstructured).

      • Also is engaged with NEST Marketplace (not yet sure to what extent).

      • Discussions have led to believe Truveta or a company like them, OR even NEST may already have aims of establishing some kind of IVD data hub.

        • Accordingly, we’re in fact-finding mode trying to connect dots for a potential use case.

        • Key challenge however is lack of funding.

  • Outputs from this working group

    • We have established baseline requirements and discussed tangential initiatives (e.g. NEST, CRWDi, etc) which are potentially influencing our focus here

    • The team further discussed the primary value add at this stage would be to broker a practical use case to demonstrate the value proposition of an IVD data hub and to articulate clear needs on data inputs for such a hub. However the key challenges remain:

      • No funding available for such a use case limits our ability to have meaningful discussions with potential brokers (discussing with MDIC is an option but there again, funding via grants (most likely) would be needed)

      • Bandwidth to drive from concept to a detailed business case to generate funding would be prohibitive for the team members at this stage.

    • Recommending to discuss in more detail with Steering Committee

Action items

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