Vocab Shared Documents and Resources

Vocab Shared Documents and Resources

Document Name



Historical Sharepoint Link

Document Name



Historical Sharepoint Link

Succession Planning Mind Map

Thought cloud of Vocab tasks that need coverage



Succession Plan

Chart with next steps and timeline for key task coverage



APHL Knowledge Retention Toolkit

Template to be used for knowledge retention in team member transitions. There are two generic versions (original and updated), and an Informatics tailored version.



Orchard Software White Paper:

Structured Data:
Essential for Healthcare Analytics & Interoperability

Description of structured data capture in Orchard



Sharepoint Items

List and links to resources on the old Sharepoint site



HL7 and Interoperability

Presentation explaining Interoperability need and a brief intro to standards



How to: LOINC and SNOMED

Presentation explaining How to LOINC and SNOMED



APHL Informatics Services Guidance Manual

Description of TA services



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