2024-10-15 Steering Committee Meeting Notes


Oct 15, 2024

(bolded names indicate attendance)

Stakeholder group

SHIELD organization

Name of SHIELD member

organization designation

Industry Entity

Labgnostic, Inc.

Steve Box



Andy Harris



Dan Rutz






Xavier Gansel






Nick Decker - regrets



Yue Jin


Healthcare Provider

Indiana University/Indiana University Health/Association for Molecular Pathology

Mehdi Nassiri, MD


University of Wisconsin-Madison

Andrea Pitkus, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CM, FAMIA


UT Southwestern Medical Center

Hung Luu



Scott Campbell


Tufts Medical Center

Nanguneri Nirmala


Sonic Healthcare

Eric Crugnale


Former Quest Diagnostics

Collom, Craig D


Patient Advocate


Stacy Lange


Standards Organization

SNOMED International


Jim Case


Monica Harry


Regenstrief Institute


Marjorie Rallins


Eza Hafeza - regrets




Julia Skapik




Professional Organization

Association of Public Health Laboratories


Riki Merrick


Dari Shirazi


Graphite Health


Stan Huff






Raj Dash






Robyn Temple




Governmental - non Voting


Michael Smalara





Sara Armson





Hubert Vesper (/DDNID/NCEH/DLS)





 John Snyder





 Keith Campbell


 Victoria Derbyshire - regrets


Agenda and Notes





Quorum evaluation (two-thirds (2/3) of the Voting Representatives shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business)

Currently we have 19 named members, so 2/3 = 12 (excluding chair and government members).


Open Meeting

 12:09 PM ET, but no quorum

SHIELD Presentation at ASCLS June 8-12 in Sacramento, California

Considering submission of abstract, but looking for speakers - https://www.cvent.com/c/abstracts/a0f08f8a-77b8-488c-8fa9-38672d10b40d

Riki can attend, since she is local - are there others who know they will be attending and want to present?

will be email request

Nirmala had attended a webinar for proposals, can repurpose HIMSS proposal, add Riki as presenter and add on anyone else who wants to present - request bios for each of the presenter

30 min 1 presenter, 60 min up to 4 presenters

Use the LOINC proposal - Andrea will share with Eric, as that is closer to the ASCLS audience

Riki will send email requesting vote on the principal of doing a presentaiton at ASCLS / submitting a proposal

Roadmap section updates in response to ONC comments on the SHIELD roadmap

  1. The roadmap mission section describes a broad vision of lab interoperability. However, the roadmap proposed solution is limited to the FDA use cases around In-vitro diagnostics (IVD) data, specifically populating the IVD data hub.  ONC suggests clearly describing the roadmap scope so the proposed solutions can be discussed within that context.

Updated language draft: Roadmap update: ONC Feedback


  • need to locate where exactly in the roadmap the new text lands - Hung will take a stab at that - thank you!

  • Discussed meaning of updating instruments

    • harmonization here is not at the method level - though ultimately if we have that, then we’d be much better off, harmonization here is about the data produced by the insturments and the meta data about the reagent / protocol and instrument used, so comparability of results can be assessed

    • changing an instrument now is very invasive, requires a lot of work and differs between instruments

    • decided to change sentence to reflect that these are changes to the testing done by the lab.

  1. The roadmap identifies training and education needs around using LOINC as a barrier to interoperability. ONC suggests clarifying how the roadmap addresses this barrier. ONC recognizes that terminologies require training and education, and replacing LOINC with another standard will not address the barrier.

Update from Standards and Vocab WG about re-write of this section - from their March 18th call (notes here, recording here)

  1. Concepts around Healthcare IT (HIT) standards needs to be conveyed earlier in training for healthcare providers as use and application of standards in vended applications is the major gap.

  2. Decision making to use Health IT standards are less likely left up to IT analysts as they mainly follow the requirements and then they generally use vendor supplied implementation guidance. However, a vendor may not support functionality for standards or only partially support.

  3. Regulatory requirements (such as CLIA) may pose a hurdle to implementation of data standards.

  4. Implementation guidance is often not well read. Training resources may not be well publicized or readily available. Perhaps conformance testing tools need to be made more widely available?

  5. What might be helpful is to look at standards implementation from a data lifecycle standpoint across all users (end to end across ecosystem), rather than just training on a single standard for a single use case.

  6. Last paragraph on page 4 of the road map final version could be augmented with these points.


  • What does IT folks are less suceptible mean?

    • IT folks usually have requirements documents and then step by step vendor instructions, when they implement (if vendor does not support, that would be a different issue)

    • it is actually good, when there is only 1 field for a given data element - example LOINC, everyone knows where that is, so you can figure out if code is correct for example

    • There are other elements that are sent in multiple places, depending on the implementation:

      • reference range:

        • in the proper field

        • in a comment, since proper field does not suport a table, when not all attributes that can affect the reference range are known to the lab

      • units of measure

        • in the proper field (either coded, or just as text

        • as part of the value (and if the value gets truncated, then this will be lost)

    • Above list can grow - Standards group needs to review these and others that fall into this category

  1. There are several solutions proposed, including repositories and tools, which need to be further evaluated before ONC could fully support the roadmap.  ONC suggests the roadmap be updated to include details around feasibility, scalability and how the proposed changes can be integrated into the current laboratory ecosystem (e.g., regulation and industry).

Identify components that could improve the ecosystem infrastructure, and then highlight the places where these components can be advanced / sustained or made easier to implement. Would SHIELD be willing to consider to provide an example implementation - create the structures and bound terminologies to showcase how each element would be properly represented be working.

For each of the Consideration sections we could certainly add a section on feasibility / requirements (e.g. continued funding for LIDR, better describing the intended use of ANY data element added, overall goal of LIDR, clearly delineate what is commonly used and is minimum, provide best practice and alternatives (non-preferred) - example would be metadata around the value sets in VSAC (curation / usage etc) to be able to ascertain quality) and highlight that other mechanisms are needed to achieve for adoption.

Administrative things

Review SC Composition, terms and requirements for re-voting:

  • Representative first 3 year terms expire 12/20/2025

  • Chair and Vice Chair 2 year terms expire 3/14/2025

    • 90 days would be 12/14/2024 for call for nominations for Chair and Vice-Chair, so folks, start thinking about who might want to take the reins

  • Steering Committee attendance review

  • consider changing timeslot

Review Working Groups progress

Setting milestones for deliverables should be NEXT for WGs: they will be captured here: SHIELD WG Deliverables and Milestone Grid

Antimicrobial result reporting

Placeholder to get back to later

Related work at HL7 Europe:

Next calls

All SHIELD Calls

  • October 22nd

  • November 26th (week of Thanksgiving – or meet November 12th?)

  • December would be 24 or 31 – do we want to meet 17th?

General Updates: 2024 - WG Chairs please make sure we have material for updates (at least notes we can link to)

Special Topic:

  • December 10th - Clinical Architecture LOINC survey

Steering Committee:

  • November 5th


 12:53 PM ET

From Chat:

Action items

Quick decisions not requiring context or tracking

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Decisions requiring context or tracking

For decisions that require more context (e.g., documentation of discussion, options considered) and/or tracking, use the decision template to capture more information.