1. What stakeholder group are you a part of?

    1. Lab

    2. Academia/Research

    3. IVD Vendor

    4. Government/Regulatory

    5. HIT Software Developer

    6. Patient Advocate

    7. Other provider

    8. Pharmaceuticals

    9. Standards Organization

  2. Why are you attending the SHIELD meetings?

  3. What role(s) do you have in SHIELD?

    1. All SHIELD participant

    2. Steering Committee Member

    3. Workgroup participant

  4. What are your concerns related to advancing lab result interoperability?

    1. Unfunded mandates/burden?

    2. Cost of implementation?

    3. Complexity?

    4. ROI?

    5. Need?

    6. Other__________

  5. What would be the primary values (benefits) to your stakeholder group of SHIELD success?

  6. What would be your primary challenges to adopting SHIELD related standards? (Survey Logic to suppress based upon answer to question 1)

  7. What do you think the primary deliverables of SHIELD should be to best accomplish its goals?

    1. How would you measure success?

WORKGROUP-RELATED QUESTIONS (Survey logic to suppress based upon answer to questions 3)

  1. What are your primary challenges in your current working group?

  2. What would you like to accomplish in the next 12 months?

  3. What expertise is most beneficial for workgroup participation?

  4. Do you have any suggestions on how to increase SHIELD workgroup participation?

  5. If you would like to participate in a working group, please contact…

  6. Potentially ask non-workgroup participants why they’re not participating and if they have any ideas as to ways to make it more convenient to participate?

Survey Tools:

  • Google Forms - Kevin has experience with this

  • Survey Monkey