20250108 Meeting Notes
We have a planning call with NACCHO on 1/8/25
NACCHO Attendees:
Meghan Shea - Senior Program Analyst; previously with CO DPH; 1.5yr at NACCHO; Columbus OH local DPH; support informatics and epi workgroup, forecasting
Aurimar “ow-reemar” Ayala, “Ari nickname” - Senior Director of Infectious Diseases & Informatics; at NACCHO for a year; previously epi, CDC, County AZ, Tribal epi in CA; Puerto Rico; BU for MPH; JPHIT
Gelilawit Tamrat “Guh-lee-la” - senior program analyst; 3 years with NACCHO; health dept and healthcare background
All located in Northern Virginia; NACCHO offices are closed
APHL Attendees:
Vanessa Holley
Mel Kourbage
New CoAg! Put in activities to work with NGOs on collaborative efforts
APHL helps PHLs and PHAs; we do a lot of technical assistance
NACCHO CoAg: Started year 1 FY25; there may be a chance to incorporate APHL/NACHO collab into next year
“Transforming Informatics”
Convening with CDC with 40+ LHDs - data modernization and other topics
Listening sessions, foster communication between CDC and LHDs - plans to build capacity, implement data strategy at local level
Informatics Champions - used to be webinar series; want to be more CoP
Informatics Workgroup - Geillawit and Meghan facilitate - informatics experts at local level
Was 12, now 30 in the group
Meet monthly
Had Direct funding for pilot sites, but now they have subcontract with ASTHO
Want to have another site for FHIR; helping to engage LHDs for FHIR work
Phase 3 now
Gelilawit is the expert; she can provide more information
(Mention FHIR training)
NACCHO/CSTE joint project on chronic disease modernization
Now Project Directors is the prime, with NACCHO as subcontractor
CSTE is still on NCE
(Mention PHII surveillance system assessment toolkit)
Disease forecasting work
15 demo sites
Build capacity to build or use existing models
They will have a Learning Collaborative
ASPR - preparedness
Demo project last year with LHDs to sign data use agreement for bidirectional data exchange during emergencies
LHDs don’t have good tracking of assets they receive from state/federal gov’t
Now fielding survey to see range of tracking tools
Unfunded efforts
Mutual CoAg Walkthrough
NACCHO Informatics Team:
3 of them
Hiring Informatics Director
Project Manager
APHL CoAg Collaboration Ideas
Committee work - liaison opportunities?
Technical Assistance / ELRTA?
Biggest gaps, biggest opportunities to support local/state, or state/federal informatics needs?
Fairfax/VA; LA County data exchange; Pennsylvania/Philadelphia
Experience with discrete ELC grantees at local level - NYC, Houston, LA County
Maricopa is now part of ELC
Brainstorming ideas to get LHDs direct technical assistance
Data strategy, data governance, system assessments
AIMS is a single hub for data exchange
Hosting do-it-yourself tools
Validation tools, vocab transformation, sequencing
Riki Merrick - HL7, FHIR
JPHIT Collaboration
What Data Modernization Activities does NACCHO have in progress?
Standards & Interoperability
Technical Assistance
Policy Engagement; comments for TEFCA, USCDI+
NACCHO 360 / APHL Annual Meeting - what’s the skinny on the next NACCHO Conference?
Another preliminary conference this year
In future, separate public health informatics conference
ELC Meeting 2/18-2/20 in Atlanta - APHL will have representation there, likely Brooke Beaulieu
Data Modernization - LHDs - are they involved, how do they get involved, where’s the money going, do they know what’s available? “Trickle-down DMI money.”
Separate meeting to talk about FHIR. (VH/Mel will close on APHL attendees for that.)
NACCHO always looking for presentations, webinars on standards.
Set up regular NACCHO/APHL Informatics checkpoint; every 2 months