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Mtg Notes: | |
Consensus Decision | Decision: |
| Load test Success Criteria: DEX can handle all messages, receive, and process all data Upload Time/Performance – how long it takes to upload files based on file size AIMS: Does not have functionality to capture metric of file size currently; long-term observability functionality is part of dev backlog Would server side be able to capture metrics? DEX: Can monitor metrics on server side for performance; For every upload, can review start time and end time for every upload Dex: focus is on how long does it take to upload large files
File counts match b/w AIMS and DEX If file fails to upload, will not resume upload; if file does NOT complete (e.g. if connection is dropped), it will re-try later AIMS: If file upload is interrupted, would re-start file upload from start [potential for partial uploads if connection is interrupted]; this would take a large LOE to re-start file upload from partial upload/resume file upload; if transmission stops, essentially container would close DEX: Small files this should not be an issue; large files may be an issue Will monitor during load testing; DEX: In order to transition to production, will need to have resume file upload using tu..? client [Long-term requirement for production cutover]; Lambda time-bound currently using the current infrastructure --15 minutes (2GB-4gb) CDPH: File size: 600-800k records per file; updating to smaller file size --sent on Wed afternoon AIMS isn’t using Tus resume ==> DEX: Look for incomplete uploads Reported: Geo We are not resuming with the Tus client We are not using tus client retry We just close the lambda If an upload does not complete – e.g., the connection is dropped – failed transmission. We restart upload with a new tguid Failure mode: Lambda timeouts Reported: Geo Lambda timeouts (15 min) Failure mode: Largest file: California file YTD (Year To Date) Sent on Wed or Thu Emily Augustini: 600-800k records
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Next Steps & Action Items | Next steps: @Gretl Glick will send out meeting invite for 9/12, 13, 14 at 3pmET @Gretl Glick Send out Doodle poll debrief/retrospective meeting for following --what went well, what did not go well--next steps/action items
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