2023-03-30 LabMCoP Meeting notes

2023-03-30 LabMCoP Meeting notes


Mar 30, 2023









Nancy Cornish



Manjula Gama-Ralalage



Riki Merrick



Christina Gallegos



Amy Liu

Inductive Health / APHL


Raj Dash

Duke / CAP


John Snyder

National Library of Medicine (SNOMED CT)


Andrea Pitkus



Kathy Walsh



Rob Hausam

Hausam Consulting


Doug Franklin



Pam Banning


Discussion topics





Upcoming OOO

  • John 3/31-4/6

  • Pam 3/31-4/7

  • Rob 3/31-4/6

  • Nancy 3/30

Riki will check if Nancy can make next week, if not we will cancel

Reporting Biomarkers to Cancer registries

 not discussed

Lab Test Naming Conventions

not discussed

  • SHIELD call topic (maybe June 13)

    • TRUU Lab

    • LOINC

Specimen CMT - review of terms with questions


PHLIPPreferredTerm construction: the first term is represented of how SPM-4 is coded - as pre-coordinated as possible; after the underscoare (one or more) are additional elemetns that need to be coded

  • tonsil

    • would this ever be a biopsy?

    • most likely be submitted after resection

    • is this kind of specimen submitted often for pathology? - ask Nancy

    • if only 1 way to submit, then change the preferred name to include resection

  • Nancy to look at definition for this

    • Wound_superficial - this one is discouraged bcause commonly contaminated by skin flora

    • also need more deinfitons for other wound terms

  • CystFluid

    • need to ask Nancy why this is discouraged

  • Discharge - is probalby discouraged, because of non-sterile collection method - what other term would we encourage folks to use instead - probably the aspirate from the abscess or other location the discharge is coming from (maybe a swab, but for micro aspirate is preferred over swabs)

    • applicable to the other discharge terms

  • Fistula_swab and Fistula_aspirate

    • need definitions for both

    • indicating that we need source site

    • swab is discouraged aspirate is the better speicmen collection method for micro domain

  • GastricAspirate

    • ask Nancy / Raj, if this should be a added as pathology domain term

  • Aspirate_biol

    • occurtd wice because there are 2 terms in HL70487 that map to it

    • should combine the definitions

    • preferred term

  • Tissue_boil

    • lesionSample is better

    • lesions are usually types in the disorder or morphologic abnormality hierarchy

    • none are source site specific - so all are partial, must have source site elements

    • should add Lesion_sample_Boil - use the same definition and same mapping for the additonal elements

  • Lavage_Colon

    • not a good specimen for any domain

    • may want to have more detail on where in the colon the lavage was started - so maybe indicate decendents of the colonic lumen structure

    • need to check the spatial orientation terms

    • revsit once we can check on available terms

  • Firstvoid urine

    • move definition content to collectio method and craft new definition

Specimen CMT - Hosting Options

Have Copyright statement - updated on the spreadsheet file uploaded on confluence - need to make sure folks using it assert they have license to use it

Riki will forward to Pam

Riki will also share the email written to CliniSys so folks can use as template for contacting

Specimen CMT - education

 not discussed

Specimen CMT - potential pilot sites

  • Goal is to have some implementers lined up by April - so who to reach out to?

Specimen CMT - tracking implementation impact

  • Setting baseline

  • Define metrics

not discussed

  • Setting baseline

Specimen CMT - Compare to NHS Medical Terminology testing

 not discussed

Future projects for this call after CMT

not discussed

  • In general the call is intended as a forum for ANY messaging related issues to work out.

  • In the past we have

    • reviewed containers re-vive that - and how does that interact with devices (UDI identification?)

    • review code systems around additives (HL70371 and SCT substance and product hierarchies)

    • started work on cross-mapping between HL7 method codes and SNOMED CT procedure / technique concepts

      • American College of Surgeons is working on procedure protocol and synoptic data elements / surgical synoptic reports - we could work with them together on that

Recording of the call:


Action items

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