2024-01-04 LabMCoP Meeting Notes
Jan 4, 2024
Present | Name | Organization |
| Jim Case | Snomed International |
X | Nancy Cornish | CDC |
X | Manjula Gama-Ralalage | CDC |
X | Riki Merrick | APHL |
X | Christina Gallegos | APHL |
X | Amy Liu | Inductive Health / APHL |
X | Raj Dash | Duke / CAP |
- | John Snyder | National Library of Medicine (SNOMED CT) |
| Andrea Pitkus | UW |
| Kathy Walsh | Labcorp |
| Rob Hausam | Hausam Consulting |
| Doug Franklin | APHL |
| Pam Banning | 3M |
Discussion topics
Topic | Discussed? | Notes |
Upcoming OOO | Y |
Previous Action Items | Y |
Modeling donor organs / parts | Y |
Specimen CMT - review of terms with questions | Y | Wound terms - Cat bite as example:
Toe joint synovial fluid - use pre-coordinated existing term Vaginal and rectal swab combo - SPM-8 does not repeat, so unsure how to represent that in the table - add a note that in this case SPM-8 is NOT included in the CMT - add a similar note to any term with mulitple body sites Deep wound and superficial wound need definitions (superficial = Raj thinks limited to cuntaneous layers) superficial wound is discouraged term, because often can have contamination from skin flora AbcessAspirate
fistula_swab needs definition: https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/patient-information/conditions-treated-a-to-z/fistula fully coordinated for spermaticCord and VasDeference, SpermaticCordBiopsy, SpermaticCordFineNeedleBiopsy Pipel specimen - same as EndometriumTissueByBiopsy - no need to be so detailed on what type of biopsy Angio catheter - is a venous catheter used for individuals needing multiple IV deliveries and can be used for angiogram - map to peripheralVenousCatheterTip - refernece for catherters: https://www.ciamedical.com/angiocatheters#How%20Does%20An%20Angiocatheter%20Work? HL7 table terms for Hickman and CVT - don’t use the more specific mappings to the common access veins and map as partial, add note that MUST have SPM-10 to denote the vessel it is placed in: NCBI - WWW Error Blocked Diagnostic |
Specimen CMT pilot implementers | N |
Specimen CMT - Hosting Options | N |
Specimen CMT - education | N |
Specimen CMT - tracking implementation impact
| N |
Specimen CMT - Compare to NHS Medical Terminology testing | N |
USCDI v5 comments | N | |
LOINC to SNOMED CT mapping | N |
Reporting Biomarkers to Cancer registries | N | National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) | CDC Sandy will put together a one-pager |
Future projects for this call after CMT | N |
Action items
Quick decisions not requiring context or tracking
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Decisions requiring context or tracking
For decisions that require more context (e.g., documentation of discussion, options considered) and/or tracking, use the decision template to capture more information.