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Labcorp allows multi-select - they use AOE question for this
We can’t have multiple sites in HL7
how to map for body site? - if there are multiple body sites - we decided that we will leave that body site field empty and require a comment in NTE segment to specify body site
We still need reference to thin prep (request new term with parent cytology specimen container (physical object) for “liquid-based cytology specimen container”) - we don’t want to use the trademarked name “ThinPrep”, but it can be done in US extension
We need to know what is in the thin prep liquid - this may be proprietary
Comprised of Hydrochloric acid >1.0% (CAS: 7647-01-0)
surgical insertion site peritonealDialysisTunnelSite - Amy to check
surgical insertion site peritonealDialysisSite - Amy to check
Riki’s Follow up:
submit a code for formalin10
work with John
new term for pacemaker insertion site sample
in SCT there are only swabs for insertion sites (line, drain, chest tube, vascular catheter) - this should be fixed
we should model it after 435971000124108 | Body fluid specimen from peritoneal dialysis insertion site (specimen) and require method, which should be aspirate
to cover the wound causes as children under: 119365002 | Specimen from wound (specimen)
another child term for aspirate under 445611000124106 | Specimen from bite wound (specimen), since that is preferred over the existing swab
IDSA has a guidelines for wound cultures (deep and superficial - related to surgical wounds) - link sent to Amy
460621000124104 |Superficial surgical incision wound (morphologic abnormality)| - created in US extension in 2019. Is this needed? If so, then LabMCoP/APHL should promote it to SNOMED International to retain US SNOMED identifier. John will submit this to be promoted.
Outreach out to Jane Pollack ( at NMDP. was successful - schedule call for this topic - waiting for answer on what date will work
Nancy/Amy to reach out to Jane Pollack
Another contact: Scott A. Brubaker Division of Human Tissues, Office of Cellular Therapy and Human Tissue CMC, Office of Therapeutic Products, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Incomplete tissue product tracing during an investigation of a tissue-derived tuberculosis outbreak - ScienceDirect
Should we make pre-coordinated terms, or support use of type modifiers?
Specimen CMT - review of terms with questions
CatheterTip_IndwellingUrinary- discouraged, not appropriate for collection. Added new PHLIPPrefName
Discourage for Catheter Tip_Indwelling Urinary - specimen is not appropriate for culture because of contamination from urethral or skin flora. Send urine specimen (straight cath) or clean catch mid-void
I am not sure if you mean the table rendering or creating the concept map from a spreadsheet or CSV file. The FHIR build tool did the table rendering for that mapping, I think I entered the data by hand, or Grahame did it. It would not be hard to create a script to create a concept map from an excel or csv file if needed. The table needs to be large enough to make it worthwhile though. you could even create formula cells in the spreadsheet to generate the XML or json for each item. and then copy to a text editor and append to the Metadata fields.
Specimen CMT - education
Specimen CMT - tracking implementation impact
Setting baseline
Define metrics
Specimen CMT - Compare to NHS Medical Terminology testing
In general the call is intended as a forum for ANY messaging related issues to work out.
In the past we have
reviewed containers re-vive that - and how does that interact with devices (UDI identification?)
review code systems around additives (HL70371 and SCT substance and product hierarchies)
started work on cross-mapping between HL7 method codes and SNOMED CT procedure / technique concepts
American College of Surgeons is working on procedure protocol and synoptic data elements / surgical synoptic reports - we could work with them together on that
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