2024-10-10 LabMCoP Meeting Notes
Oct 10, 2024
Present | Name | Organization |
X | Nancy Cornish | CDC |
X | Manjula Gama-Ralalage | CDC |
X | Riki Merrick | APHL |
X | Christina Gallegos | APHL |
X | Amy Liu | Inductive Health / APHL |
| Raj Dash | Duke / CAP |
X | John Snyder | National Library of Medicine (SNOMED CT) |
X | Andrea Pitkus | UW |
| Kathy Walsh | Labcorp |
| Rob Hausam | Hausam Consulting |
| Doug York | APHL |
| Pam Banning | 3M |
| Sandy Jones | CDC |
Discussion topics
Upcoming OOO |
HL7 FHIR Profile: Skin and Wound Assessment, Release 1 (For Comment) | Andrea | Background in the Proposal: Skin and Wound Assessment - FHIR - Confluence (hl7.org) There was a vendor that created a FHIR App that apparently is used. While not specific about pathology there was much discussion on how to document "landmarks" on the body like moles, tattoos, etc in relation to wound location. Conceivably, if a wound culture was performed, the specimen source site info would overlap with wound details. Pathology specimens would have similar needs. There are various refsets, value sets and SCT extensions listed. It was mentioned it should align with laboratory and pathology specimen information, but I haven't reviewed the codes/terms. Not sure if anything they developed would fill any CMT gaps or already contained therein? Mitre did a lot of the work on this too. Discussion: Looking at the FHIR IG - will need to review the valuesets for the LOINC components that describe the bodysite, since they removed observation.bodysite = https://loinc.org/39135-9 wounds require good documentation of where the sample was collected |
Questions about bite wounds from CSTE | Manjula | Came from CSTE data standardization working group for lab reporting data - described the specimen CMT project in the chat - were discussing use of US edition rather than international edition Nancy Barret (CT) noticed they got a lot of “junk” in the lab - asked about rules of collecting wound samples requested presentation about correct way to collect wound samples to the ELR National Working Group - this is an education issue of the clinicians (at minimum need to have the description, ideally it will be propery codified); CMT has guidelines on the collection for wounds, but a behavior chane is what is needed (maybe frame as cost issue / patient safety / outcome issue - increased antibiotic resistance) should we include specimen CMT info or just share the SHIELD presentation as background? Biggest issue is that we need to make the CMT available in a usable form Manjula can present the CMT piece (brief), Riki is usually on that call, so can help, main focus should be around the best specimen collection |
HTI-2 rule question | Andrea | Could specimen collection be on the radar for the federal agency that enforces the HIT certification pieces? this is broader than PH reporting / affects ALL lab tests also goes into specimen condition / reject reason for quality assessments; include competency testing (for techique that could be re-taught, but time allocation is more problematic) |
specimen condition and reject reason work |
| Here is the confluence page where OO is tracking this project: https://confluence.hl7.org/display/OO/Specimen+Condition+and+Specimen+Reject+Reason+Vocabulary Next step is to review against the concepts in #1 Standard PREanalytical Code Version 4.0 - (version 3.0 is here: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.isber.org/resource/resmgr/isber_2019/pdf/standard_preanalytical_code_.pdf) maybe consider using this (if so, HL7 would need joint copyright or something) and also #2 international standard for biobanking: the ISO 20387:2018 - is anyone member and has access?
#3 ISBER BP5 for information regarding 'Specimen Reject Reason' |
Previous Action Items |
Specimen CMT - review of terms with questions |
Specimen CMT pilot implementers |
Specimen CMT - Hosting Options |
Specimen CMT - education |
Specimen CMT - tracking implementation impact
Specimen CMT - Compare to NHS Medical Terminology testing |
LOINC to SNOMED CT mapping |
Future projects for this call after CMT |
From Chat:
Nancy Cornish 11:10 AM
I have just joined, I forgot that we were now starting at 11 am. I can only stay on for about 15 minutes as i have to attend another meeting that i need to attend.
Andrea Pitkus to Everyone 11:13 AM
Andrea Pitkus to Everyone 11:18 AM
indeed! Here's some of the wound care apps using FHIR: https://www.nethealth.com/wound-care-software-solutions/
https://imito.io/en/imitowound (looks like this may be Intl)
Andrea Pitkus to Everyone 11:25 AM
you cut out
Andrea Pitkus to Everyone 11:43 AM
improper labeling
Andrea Pitkus to Everyone 11:49 AM
Test request, requisition
The patient's chart or medical record may be used as the test requisition or authorization
est requisition solicits the following information:
CMS uses order in their regulations: "may order molecular diagnostic tests when performing diagnostic services from a sample submitted to them without a specific test order"
and also requisition, "Test requisition forms are part of the medical record. When requisition forms include complete information validating medical necessity, such as qualifying clinical information that demonstrate test coverage criteria are met, the requisition form may be sufficient to determine if the service is reasonable and necessary without other medical information from the ordering provider. If the requisition form does NOT contain sufficient and relevant clinical information to determine if the service is reasonable and necessary for the intended patient, the requisition form is NOT considered sufficient to meet reasonable and necessary requirements and additional documentation may be required to fulfil this criteria."
Andrea Pitkus to Everyone 11:55 AM
"evidence in the medical record that there is intent to place an order."
Action items
Quick decisions not requiring context or tracking
For quick, smaller decisions that do not require extra context or formal tracking, use the “Add a decision…” function here.
Decisions requiring context or tracking
For decisions that require more context (e.g., documentation of discussion, options considered) and/or tracking, use the decision template to capture more information.