2024-11-05 Steering Committee Meeting Notes
Nov 5, 2024
(bolded names indicate attendance)
Stakeholder group | SHIELD organization | Name of SHIELD member | organization designation |
Industry Entity | Labgnostic, Inc. | Steve Box | primary |
| Andy Harris | alternate | |
Epic | Dan Rutz | primary | |
| alternate | |
Biomerieux | Xavier Gansel | primary | |
| alternate | |
Roche | Nick Decker | primary | |
Roche | Yue Jin | alternate | |
Healthcare Provider | Indiana University/Indiana University Health/Association for Molecular Pathology | Mehdi Nassiri, MD | primary |
University of Wisconsin-Madison | Andrea Pitkus, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CM, FAMIA | primary | |
UT Southwestern Medical Center | Hung Luu | primary | |
UNMC | Scott Campbell | primary | |
Tufts Medical Center | Nanguneri Nirmala | primary | |
Sonic Healthcare | Eric Crugnale | primary | |
Former Quest Diagnostics | Collom, Craig D | primary | |
Patient Advocate |
| Stacy Lange | individual |
Standards Organization | SNOMED International
| Jim Case - regrets - regrets | primary |
Monica Harry | alternate | ||
Regenstrief Institute
| Marjorie Rallins - regrets | primary | |
Eza Hafeza | alternate | ||
| Julia Skapik | primary | |
| alternate | ||
Professional Organization | Association of Public Health Laboratories
| Riki Merrick | primary |
NEED NEW | alternate | ||
Graphite Health
| Stan Huff | primary | |
| alternate | ||
| Raj Dash | primary | |
| alternate | ||
| Robyn Temple | primary | |
| alternate | ||
Governmental - non Voting | CMS | Michael Smalara | primary |
Open | alternate | ||
ONC | Sara Armson | primary | |
| alternate | ||
CDC | Hubert Vesper (/DDNID/NCEH/DLS) | primary | |
| alternate | ||
NLM | John Snyder | primary | |
| alternate | ||
FDA | Keith Campbell | primary | |
Victoria Derbyshire - regrets | alternate |
Agenda and Notes
Item | Notes |
Quorum evaluation (two-thirds (2/3) of the Voting Representatives shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business) | Currently we have 19 named members, so 2/3 = 12 (excluding chair and government members).
Open Meeting | 12:09 PM ET - no quorum yet |
SHIELD Presentation at ASCLS June 8-12 in Sacramento, CA | Submitted proposal - ended up counting OOO notices as abstain in order to get to quorum |
ADLM presentation | Looking for presenters - up to 3 speakers for a 90 minute session - they give registration, economy travel and a stipend for speakers, speaker can also be a moderator Hung attending and willing to be a speaker and can submit, Andrea willing to present, but would need to get permission to attend, could ask Pam Banning, Scott willing also - will need to come up with a title for each presentation would be good to focus on the standards requirements to educate this audience Draft of submission was sent out, so far we have 5 affirmative votes Additional in favor votes: 7 ADLM Presentation Title: SHIELD strategy for advancing laboratory data interoperability. Data Science Category, Submission Data Analytics, Statistics and Informatics |
CAP video and Article citing SHIELD work | https://infobeta.cap.org/shield/ CAP BAA: Assess accuracy of coding by laboratories, development of training and background material for laboratories. Provides background on program. It’s a ideation for now. Ok for Steering Committee. Don’t distribute as program does not exist. Can cite roadmap for the scenario/use case. CAP will submit a journal article about the program for citations. https://doi.org/10.3343/alm.2024.0323 Dr. Luu article. Invited review to discuss how AI could be applied to laboratory medicine. Not many articles about sources of bias and influence of models. There are articles on EHR information that can lead to inaccurate modeling. This covers lack of harmonization, syntactic vs semantic interoperability, applicaiton of models across different EHR models. Something citable as to why laboratory interoperability is important. Developers may not understand nuances of laboratory medicine. Can be shared as published. Cite SHIELD and CHAI in AI. highlighting article |
ONC Annual Meeting December 4-5, 2024 | https://www.astpannualmeeting.com/Agenda This is in-person only, registration is open now - last year it filed up no plans so far to have slides / recording available December 5th 2:15 – 3:15 pm is Enhancing Laboratory Interoperability: Insights and a Path Forward - Sara can give update afterwards |
Administrative things | Review SC Composition, terms and requirements for re-voting:
Roadmap section updates in response to ONC comments on the SHIELD roadmap |
Updated language draft: Roadmap update: ONC Feedback maybe add one more sentence or add a reference to the key consideration number for the IVD Datahub (Consideration 4) into these sentences. (change approved in principle.) Also need to remove the duplicate words “for the” in the last sentence Discussion:
Update from Standards and Vocab WG about re-write of this section - from their March 18th call (notes here, recording here)
Identify components that could improve the ecosystem infrastructure, and then highlight the places where these components can be advanced / sustained or made easier to implement. Would SHIELD be willing to consider to provide an example implementation - create the structures and bound terminologies to showcase how each element would be properly represented be working. For each of the Consideration sections we could certainly add a section on feasibility / requirements (e.g. continued funding for LIDR, better describing the intended use of ANY data element added, overall goal of LIDR, clearly delineate what is commonly used and is minimum, provide best practice and alternatives (non-preferred) - example would be metadata around the value sets in VSAC (curation / usage etc) to be able to ascertain quality) and highlight that other mechanisms are needed to achieve for adoption. |
Review Working Groups progress | Setting milestones for deliverables should be NEXT for WGs: they will be captured here: SHIELD WG Deliverables and Milestone Grid
Antimicrobial result reporting | Placeholder to get back to later Related work at HL7 Europe: |
Next calls | All SHIELD Calls
General Updates: 2024 - WG Chairs please make sure we have material for updates (at least notes we can link to) Special Topic:
Steering Committee:
Adjourned | 12:59 PM ET |
From Chat:
Andrea Pitkus 12:09 PM
Will there be any online info (slides, recordings, etc.) afterwards?
Sara Armson (ASTP/ONC) to Everyone 12:09 PM
Hung Luu M.D. to Everyone 12:25 PM
SHIELD strategy for advancing laboratory data interoperability.
You to Everyone 12:41 PM
I am back
see if this will work: https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SC
Xavier Gansel to Everyone 12:48 PM
I need to drop off
Nanguneri Nirmala 12:50 PM
For the title, I would include words about collaboration or community effort etc.
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