2021-07-21 Meeting Notes

2021-07-21 Meeting Notes



Riki Merrick


Grace Oguntebi


Susan Downer


Gretl Glick


Amanda Payne


Laura Carlton


Natalie Raketich


Kandis Brown


Jamie Patterson


Dave Sanderson


Emily Augustini


Benson Chang


Pam White


Kevin McNeal


Tina Hardin


Rupal Patel


Jerry Sable


Doug York


Andy Shotwell


Jackson McKeever


Amy Liu




Discussion topics







Agenda Review


 No additional topics



Vocab Team Calendar

please keep updated through end of August

Note: APHL Office Closure 9/2 - 9/6 (shows up as RIki and Dave out)

Check with Elizabeth, if there is a way to get the calendar entries emailed as outlook item (rather than alert email, or downloading the calendar as iCalendar) @Amanda Payne

AIMS+ Topics



Pulsecheck/Round Robin


Vocab Team Resource Dashboard

We talked about

Nat Flatfile Converter changes

 Not disucssed, but added info in green

Potential change requests for the national flatfile HL7Generator - change how Patient Location is mapped - instead of OBX use PV1 segment? - Should this be applied to the Clincial Architecture solution for AIMS+

Next release was supposed to be yesterday - since we obviously didn't make that the next release date is October 19, 2021 (Change FREEZE DATE = Sept 3, 20201)

Confluence Use


Centralized document repository for links etc - use of file space? @Amanda Payne to find out if we have that option @Benson Chang to upload all resources his team can share - see here: Vocab Shared Documents and Resources
Where is the larger decision template? - see the decision log - need to find out, if these can be integrated into the minutes and then pulled together into a page view @Amanda Payne - see here: Decision log
this shows how pages are related to each other - we may want to sketch out how we think of our team space and its pages: how they relate to each other and other project/team spaces: https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/360513537/APHL KM Confluence Site Architecture.pdf?api=v2
get guidance from PMO on where the documents should live (on sharepoint or in confluence?)
how to manage links to the project spaces - example: NEW weblinks for NMI CDC reference pages, where should they go?

Show and Tell?


SOP Worthy Topics

Succession Planning (Time Permitting)


  • We need to create a means to incorporate succession planning into our work since we’d all like to retire someday.

  • Riki made a mind map - consider making your own or adding to this one and see if we can come up with some action items/milestones and target dates

  • Documentation management – how to tag emails and documents going forward to ensure rationale is evident and findable later

  • Having “Show and Tell” calls – for all to learn from each other: how to use a particular tool, what you learned from a conference, etc.

    • Have a dedicated call for the topics on the second Wednesday of the months

    • Have a list of possible topics and expected time for those, so we can pick when we have time left over on regular calls

  • Moving to Confluence should help for harmonization of change requests, retention of institutional knowledge, etc.

Issue Review (Time Permitting)


Issues List from Sharepoint

Action items

  • Review the list of SOP worthy topics and add more (what do you think folks need to know, if they are taking over your work, or what skill do you know one of us has, that you would like to learn more about)

  • Sign up to be a presenter for an SOP worthy topic, if you are the one most familiar with the topic, estimate time it will take, and pick a date you might want to present on


Quick decisions not requiring context or tracking

For quick, smaller decisions that do not require extra context or formal tracking, use the “Add a decision…” function here.


  1. testing decision to see if it shows up in decision log

Decisions requiring context or tracking

For decisions that require more context (e.g., documentation of discussion, options considered) and/or tracking, use the decision template to capture more information.

Create decision from decision template


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