2021-08-25 Meeting Notes
X | Riki Merrick | X | Grace Oguntebi |
X | Susan Downer |
| Gretl Glick |
X | Amanda Payne |
| Laura Carlton |
X | Natalie Raketich |
| Kandis Brown |
X | Jamie Patterson |
| Dave Sanderson |
X | Emily Augustini | X | Benson Chang |
X | Pam White |
| Kevin McNeal |
- | Tina Hardin |
| Rupal Patel |
X | Jerry Sable | X | Doug York |
| Andy Shotwell |
| Jackson McKeever |
X | Amy Liu | X | Phylis Stromile |
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Agenda Review |
| |
AIMS+ Topics | Benson |
2. Battelle has noticed that there is only about a 66% match between schools that they testing for and the NCES database. We would like to discuss what we need to add to the guidance for when the NCES ID is unknown. a. Is there a way to add in more NCES IDs - getting examples from Battelle b. consider coming up with a “not availabel value” if we cannot resolve the missing entries - bring this up on the Thursday call. |
Pulsecheck/Round Robin | All | |
LIVD / databases etc | Jerry | Last LIVD Expansion call folks complained about the format being a spreadsheet - convert to third normal form Also Richard Moldwin (CAP) added 2 tabs to the LIVD file that included analytes and instruments (Jerry has that) Jerry working on creating the specimen and result mapping tables- here is some mapping clean up to do on the master. this is a good approach to helping us decide on how we will approach the LIVD file repository |
Confluence Use | All |
Check with if there is a way to search confluence pages for page links that are in more than one spot - for example the links to the config spaces for each of the projects @Amanda Payne heck if the template can be updated to reflect the latest content in the tables (I had to remove some bullets from this cell for example, that we had covered previously and I also had converted some of the bullet points below into action items @Amanda Payne Centralized document repository for links etc - use of file space? @Amanda Payne to find out if we have that option @Benson Chang to upload all resources his team can share how to manage links to the project spaces - example: NEW weblinks for NMI CDC reference pages, where should they go? this shows how pages are related to each other - we may want to sketch out how we think of our team space and its pages: how they relate to each other and other project/team spaces: https://aphlinformatics.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/360513537/APHL KM Confluence Site Architecture.pdf?api=v2 get guidance from PMO on where the documents should live (on sharepoint or in confluence?) @Amanda Payne |
Show and Tell? |
| Move this to the bottom of the template under links / or as its own section.
Succession Planning (Time Permitting) |
| We will review this on the next call - identify what we have already addressed and then move it to links at the bottom of the template
Issue Review (Time Permitting) |
Review Action items
Review of team member allocations: Project Assignments
Link to Smartsheet that tracks COVID-19 implementations: PHLIP Coronavirus PHL Validation Status
Set of validation rules: CDC Validation Rules
Collecting lab testing workflow for each lab: CRE/CRPA/CRAB Workflows
OID Management: https://www.aphlweb.org/aphl_departments/Strategic_Initiatives_and_Research/IPMG/AIC/Tech%20Arch%20Core%20Group%20Library/APHL_OID_Master.xlsx
Team Retreat Follow-Up: Cleaned 2019 Vocab Team F2F Meeting Agenda and Notes